AHA Funded Research
The AHA supports specific science areas deemed critical to achieving our mission and strategic objectives. Our bold research vision is guided by 12 Essential Elements to ensure AHA is at the forefront of global changes, emphasizes collaborative and team research, accelerates discovery, and drives groundbreaking research outcomes. Support from the AHA Board of Directors, foundations and corporations enables the AHA to fund these topic focused initiatives and awards.
Funded Special Projects
The American Heart Association is committed to identifying and supporting specific science areas deemed critical to achieving our mission and strategic objectives. Support from the AHA Board of Directors, foundations and corporations enable the AHA to fund special initiatives and awards. For more information about Strategically Focused Research, please email [email protected].
Funded Research Networks
A Strategic Research Network is comprised of three to six multi-disciplinary teams. A team works on multiple projects focused on an area that is key to the AHA's mission. The teams also collaborate through regular information sharing, communication and meetings.
Since 2014, the AHA has been funding Strategically Focused Research Networks (SFRNs) that focus on key research topics related to our mission.
Health Equity Research Networks (HERNs) began in 2021. HERN topics focus on accelerating social equity and improving health for everyone as we continue to combat the barriers to health created by structural racism.
Data Science Research
2025 Holidays