Explore how to mitigate the effects of cancer on the heart.
Science News

The CLCD Council supports AHA objectives in clinical cardiology, promotes excellent clinical care, and fosters professional development and education for clinical cardiologists. Through council-sponsored symposia, panels, and scientific conferences, members can access and interpret new developments in the field and promote clinical cardiology to professional and lay audiences.
The GPM Council seeks to advance discovery and translation of biological insights from genetics and omics technologies to improve cardiovascular and brain health through better risk prediction, treatment and prevention for patients. Our expertise spans genetics, genomics, genomic medicine, epigenetics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, microbiome, bioinformatics, computational science, and population health.
CEO Nancy Brown on Cardio Oncology
CEO Nancy Brown explains why the AHA is funding a Strategically Focused Research Network on cardio-oncology with $15 million and, working with CancerLinQ LLC, making oncology datasets available on a version of the Precision Medicine Platform.
American Heart Association Professional Members
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