Lay Reviewers in Science and Research

Become a lay reviewer
and impact AHA science

The lay stakeholder is a volunteer who is not formally training as a scientist, who possesses a strong interest in advancing cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and brain health research, with a focus on overall health and well-being across the lifespan. Those interested might have intimate experience as a survivor, family member, caregiver, or advocate.

Lay Stakeholder Engagement is Vital to AHA Science and Research

  • Increases the accountability and transparency of the research process.
  • Provides real-world understanding of what most impacts those affected by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and/or disorders.
  • Helps shape and influence the culture of the research agenda and strengthens its impact on the mission.
  • Bridges the gap between scientists and patients to alleviate barriers in understanding the focus of why research is necessary.
  • Gives voice to the issues stakeholders think are most important.
  • Integrates a diverse range of views (researchers, health professionals and service-user representatives) so research becomes more effective.
  • Improves understanding of the benefits and burdens of patients in research studies.
  • Informs others of the human dimension of research and its outcome.
  • Prompts a sense of urgency for finding cures and more effective prevention, diagnosis and treatments.

Benefits to Lay Stakeholders:

  • Increased awareness and respect for the importance of the research enterprise.
  • Demystify the research process for other non-scientists.
  • Gain confidence in the rigor of AHA’s selection of research projects.
  • Satisfaction of contributing to a cure for the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and/or disorders.
  • Awareness that real-world lay stakeholder experience can influence the direction of science.

Benefits to Scientists:

  • Clearer connection between research focus and patients.
  • Respect for the patient's voice.
  • Broader perspective for connecting science with patients.
  • Enhances more patient-centered research.
  • Minimizes scientists' intellectual biases regarding patient involvement.

Lay Stakeholder Requirements

The AHA strives for a demographically diverse group of qualified Lay Stakeholder volunteers who have intimate experience with cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular disease or disorders from communities across the country. When possible, Lay Stakeholders are assigned to join review committees with which they are specifically suited and have expressed an interest.

  • Survivor/Patient
  • Caregiver/Advocate/Thought Leader


Contact: Elizabeth Cooper or Angela McCarty

Want to join us?

Sign up with the interest form below to let us know you're interested in AHA Research volunteer opportunities.

Learn more: Click on this Introduction to Lay Stakeholders in Science and Research presentation.

AHA logo and the words AHA lay stakeholders in science and medicine

AHA-funded investigators and a lay stakeholder talk about their work

Learn why it's important for non-scientists to be involved in evaluating research proposals, and hear about some of the impactful research being conducted by AHA-funded investigators.

Scroll right for more videos  >>

Task Force Members

The AHA Lay Stakeholder Task Force on Science and Research has broad responsibility for engaging lay people in all aspects of the AHA research enterprise.

2024-25 Members

  • Kathleen T. Linta, chairperson
    Mary Ann Bauman, MD
    Denise Castille
    Nnenna Blessing Ezuma
    Rev. Leroy Miles, MDiv, MA, CAM-1
    Tania Saiz
    Rose Weiss



Read about Lay Stakeholder in Science and Research Task Force's most recent activities, member profiles, and volunteer opportunities.  

 Issue 15 - Fall 2024 

Journal Article

Circulation ( | Lay Stakeholders in Science and Research Initiative: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association

2025 Holidays

AHA offices will be closed:
Jan. 1 Sept. 1
Jan. 20 Nov. 27 & 28
May 26 Dec. 22-26
July 4
Altum/Proposal Central will be closed:
Jan. 1 July 4
Jan. 20 Sept. 1
Feb. 17 Oct. 13
May 26 Nov. 27 & 28
June 19 Dec. 22-26

Lay Reviewers in Science and Research