Dyslipidemia and Treatments

New research expands knowledge of lipid disorders.

Science News

Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing for Cardiovascular Disease
Sex Differences in Peripheral Vascular Disease
2025 ACC/AHA/ACEP/NAEMSP/SCAI Guideline for the Management of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes
Clinical Considerations for Competitive Sports Participation for Athletes With Cardiovascular Abnormalities
Principles for the Future of Biomedical Research in the United States and Optimizing the National Institutes of Health


An International Longitudinal Natural History Study of Patients With Danon Disease: Unique Cardiac Trajectories Identified Based on Sex and Heart Failure Outcomes
Impact of DNA‐Methylation Age Acceleration on Long‐Term Mortality Among US Adults With Cardiovascular‐Kidney‐Metabolic Syndrome
Comparison of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Hospital‐Based Stroke Mortality Data in Kentucky: The Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program
Polygenic Risk and Cardiovascular Event Risk in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation With Low to Intermediate Stroke Risk
Blockade of YAP Mechanoactivation Prevents Neointima Formation and Adverse Remodeling in Arterialized Vein Grafts

Continuing Education

Animated videos boards and dramatic lighting welcome attendees into the Main Event space at Scientific Sessions.
The ATVB Council focuses on arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology. The council advances research, addresses prevention, improves diagnosis and treatment, and works actively with other organizations. It shares reliable information through its annual conference, awards and lectures, and in the AHA’s journal, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.

The Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health promotes the expansion and exchange of knowledge with the ultimate goal of improving cardiovascular health across the lifespan. The council nurtures basic, clinical, epidemiological, and translational science related to nutrition, lipids, obesity, diabetes, physical activity, and behavioral change.

The CLCD Council supports AHA objectives in clinical cardiology, promotes excellent clinical care, and fosters professional development and education for clinical cardiologists. Through council-sponsored symposia, panels, and scientific conferences, members can access and interpret new developments in the field and promote clinical cardiology to professional and lay audiences.

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