Vascular Disease and Thrombosis
Science News
Continuing Education

PVD Council members are focused on improving the care of patients with vascular diseases by advancing science, education, advocacy, and improved healthcare delivery. Members support the AHA mission through active involvement in the council’s scientific initiatives and educational programs, including the annual Scientific Sessions and Vascular Discovery meetings.
The ATVB Council focuses on arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology. The council advances research, addresses prevention, improves diagnosis and treatment, and works actively with other organizations. It shares reliable information through its annual conference, awards and lectures, and in the AHA’s journal, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
The CLCD Council supports AHA objectives in clinical cardiology, promotes excellent clinical care, and fosters professional development and education for clinical cardiologists. Through council-sponsored symposia, panels, and scientific conferences, members can access and interpret new developments in the field and promote clinical cardiology to professional and lay audiences.
The 3CPR Council’s areas of focus encompass integrated cardiopulmonary physiology, critical care, emergency cardiovascular care, and CPR. The council takes a bench-to-bedside and community approach to clinical care, research, and basic science. Pulmonary hypertension and regulation of pulmonary circulation have been topics of ongoing attention.
Best Endovascular versus Best Surgical Therapy for Patients With Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (BEST-CLI) Trial: Clinical Results
Alik Farber | Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
- BEST-CLI trial summary (PPTX)
- Farber Abstract
- Published in NEJM
- AHA News Release: Surgery is best to prevent amputations in certain people with poor leg circulation
- ClinicalTrials ID: NCT02060630
Best Endovascular versus Best Surgical Therapy for Patients With Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (BEST-CLI) Trial: Quality of Life Analyses
Matthew T Menard | Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
- Menard's Abstract
- BEST-CLI Official website (new window)(link opens in new window)
- AHA News Release: Restored blood flow meant less pain, better quality of life for those with leg artery disease
SAMSON Results
Investigator James Howard, MB, PhD summarizes the results of the SAMSON trial. The trial’s innovative study design sought to identify the root cause of the symptoms contributing to patient nonadherence to statin therapy.
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