Interventional Cardiology

Experience a spectrum of procedures to repair heart problems.

Science News

Principles for the Future of Biomedical Research in the United States and Optimizing the National Institutes of Health
ICHOM Standard Set for Reporting Outcomes in Heart Valve Disease
Evolution of Critical Care Cardiology
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Interpretation Across the Lifespan in Congenital Heart Disease
Radial Access Approach to Peripheral Vascular Interventions


Unraveling Novel Subsets of Lymphocytes Involved in Sac Expansion in the Tertiary Lymphoid Structure Within an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Incremental Prognostic Value of Echocardiography Measures of Right Ventricular Systolic Function in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure
Providing Optimal ST‐Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction Care: How Do We Overcome Barriers?
Effect of Daily Avocado Intake on Cardiovascular Health Assessed by Life's Essential 8: An Ancillary Study of HAT, a Randomized Controlled Trial
Association Between Elevated Total Homocysteine and Heart Failure Risk in the Multi‐Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Cohort

Continuing Education

Animated videos boards and dramatic lighting welcome attendees into the Main Event space at Scientific Sessions.
The CVRI Council’s mission is to provide leadership to the AHA to reduce death and disability from cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, and cerebrovascular diseases, using diagnostic and functional imaging and imaging-directed interventions. Council members work to provide outstanding research, education, outreach, and mentorship opportunities.

The CLCD Council supports AHA objectives in clinical cardiology, promotes excellent clinical care, and fosters professional development and education for clinical cardiologists. Through council-sponsored symposia, panels, and scientific conferences, members can access and interpret new developments in the field and promote clinical cardiology to professional and lay audiences.

The CVSN Council accelerates the discovery, interpretation, and application of science to enhance cardiovascular health and treat cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The council helps develop scientific statements and advisories, guide professional education activities, provide scientific expertise, conduct research, translate findings, and promote evidence-based practices in clinical settings.

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