Unravel the complexities of signal transduction in cardiac function.
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The ATVB Council focuses on arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology. The council advances research, addresses prevention, improves diagnosis and treatment, and works actively with other organizations. It shares reliable information through its annual conference, awards and lectures, and in the AHA’s journal, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
Since 1999, the BCVS Council has advanced understanding of mechanisms of basic cardiovascular regulation to support insights into cardiovascular disease and facilitate new therapies. Emphasis is on integrating molecular/cellular and physiological approaches to address problems relating to genomics, cell signaling, myocardial biology, circulatory physiology, pathophysiology, and peripheral vascular disease.
The GPM Council seeks to advance discovery and translation of biological insights from genetics and omics technologies to improve cardiovascular and brain health through better risk prediction, treatment and prevention for patients. Our expertise spans genetics, genomics, genomic medicine, epigenetics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, microbiome, bioinformatics, computational science, and population health.
PVD Council members are focused on improving the care of patients with vascular diseases by advancing science, education, advocacy, and improved healthcare delivery. Members support the AHA mission through active involvement in the council’s scientific initiatives and educational programs, including the annual Scientific Sessions and Vascular Discovery meetings.
Results of BETonMACE with Kausik Ray, MD, FAHA
Kausik Ray, MD, FAHA explains whether treatment with apabetalone compared to standard of care therapies improves CV outcomes in patients with T2DM and low HDL-C after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Dr. Ray is a deputy director of Imperial College London's Clinical Trials Unit. See this study and other late-breaking science presentations on our AHA Science News page.
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