Critical and Emergency Care

Get research that illuminates emergency care issues.

Science News

Clinical Considerations for Competitive Sports Participation for Athletes With Cardiovascular Abnormalities
Principles for the Future of Biomedical Research in the United States and Optimizing the National Institutes of Health
Evolution of Critical Care Cardiology
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Interpretation Across the Lifespan in Congenital Heart Disease
Identifying Best Practices for Improving the Evaluation and Management of Stroke in Rural Lower-Resourced Settings


Letter by Dalzell and Cannon Regarding Article, “Pitfalls in the World of Evidence-Based Medicine: Should IABP Be en-DANGER-ed by the DanGer Shock Trial?”
Artificial Intelligence ECG Diastolic Dysfunction and Survival in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Patients
The Latest in Resuscitation Research: Highlights From the 2023 American Heart Association's Resuscitation Science Symposium
Racial and Ethnic and Sex Disparities in the Outcomes and Treatment of In‐Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
From Spoke to Hub: The “Golden Hours” in Cardiogenic Shock

Continuing Education

An attendee takes a photo of award winners during #ReSS24 in Chicago, Illinois.
The 3CPR Council’s areas of focus encompass integrated cardiopulmonary physiology, critical care, emergency cardiovascular care, and CPR. The council takes a bench-to-bedside and community approach to clinical care, research, and basic science. Pulmonary hypertension and regulation of pulmonary circulation have been topics of ongoing attention.

The CVSN Council accelerates the discovery, interpretation, and application of science to enhance cardiovascular health and treat cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The council helps develop scientific statements and advisories, guide professional education activities, provide scientific expertise, conduct research, translate findings, and promote evidence-based practices in clinical settings.

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