3CPR Awards and Lectures
The Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR) proudly sponsors awards that acknowledge the outstanding work and research being performed by its members and encourages further participation in the AHA and its mission. Please click on an award link for more information, including eligibility criteria and application or nomination instructions.
Awards associated with the Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS)
- 3CPR Max Harry Weil Early Career Award Competition for Resuscitation Science
- 3CPR Mid-Career Achievement Award and Lecture
Awards associated with the AHA Scientific Sessions
- Cournand and Comroe Early Career Investigator Award
- 3CPR Junior Investigator Travel Grant
- 3CPR Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Travel Grant
- 3CPR Distinguished Achievement Award
Lectures presented at AHA Scientific Sessions
- Dickinson W. Richards Lecture
- Kenneth D. Bloch Memorial Lecture Vascular Biology
- 3CPR Mid-Career Achievement Award and Lecture
Medical Student Scholarship
Scientific Sessions: November 16–18, 2024
McCormick Place Convention Center | Chicago, Illinois
McCormick Place Convention Center | Chicago, Illinois