Mordecai Y. T. Globus New Investigator Award in Stroke
- Junior Investigator Travel Grants for ISC
- Mordecai Y T Globus New Investigator Award in Stroke
- Robert G Sikert New Investigator Award in Stroke
- Stroke Basic Science Award
- Stroke Care in Emergency Medicine Award
- Stroke Rehabilitation Award
- Vascular Cognitive Impairment Award
- HEADS UP Travel Awards for Early Stage Investigators
- Stroke Underrepresented Populations Travel Grant and the Bernard J Tyson Award
- Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award
- Junior Investigator Travel Grants for ISC
- Mordecai Y T Globus New Investigator Award in Stroke
- Robert G Sikert New Investigator Award in Stroke
- Stroke Basic Science Award
- Stroke Care in Emergency Medicine Award
- Stroke Rehabilitation Award
- Vascular Cognitive Impairment Award
- HEADS UP Travel Awards for Early Stage Investigators
- Stroke Underrepresented Populations Travel Grant and the Bernard J Tyson Award
- Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award
The Mordecai Y. T. Globus New Investigator Award in Stroke recognizes Dr. Mordecai Y.T. Globus' major contributions to research in cerebrovascular disease and his outstanding contributions to the elucidation of the role of neurotransmitters in ischemia and trauma; the interactions among multiple neurotransmitters; the mechanisms of hypothermic neuroprotection; and the role of oxygen radical mechanisms and nitric oxide in brain injury.
- Abstracts AND supporting documents (if required) must be submitted by Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 11:59 PM CDT.
The applicant must meet the following criteria to be considered for this award:
- All applicants must be members of the AHA/ASA.
- The candidate must be active in research and still be in training as an undergraduate, pre-doctoral, or post-doctoral trainee or fellow.
- The candidate must submit an abstract for the International Stroke Conference 2025 in accordance with the rules and regulations for submitting AHA abstracts.
- An individual may apply for only one award to be presented at the International Stroke Conference 2025.
- Previous winners for this award are not eligible to re-enter the competition in subsequent years.
- Only one abstract per candidate will be considered. The applicant should be the first and presenting author.
- There is no citizenship requirement for this award.
- Women and under-represented people are encouraged to apply.
How To Apply / Required Documents
The candidate must submit an abstract for the International Stroke Conference 2025 indicating the abstract is to be considered for the Mordecai Y.T. Globus New Investigator Award. The abstract deadline is Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 11:59 PM CDT. In addition, the candidate must upload the following electronic supporting documents per the instructions below no later than Monday, August 26, 2024, 11 PM CDT.
- Curriculum Vitae
Supporting award materials must be uploaded online via the ISC abstract submitter site no later than Monday, August 26, 2024, 11 PM CDT. Award materials arriving after this date cannot be considered and hard copies of the materials will not be accepted.
- Complimentary conference registration
- $1,500 cash award
- Airfare (coach) and hotel expenses for one night for attendance at the International Stroke Conference 2025
- Plaque
For questions, please contact:
Ashley Savage at [email protected]