Abstracts & Awards - Hypertension Scientific Sessions

Abstract Submission

2025 Abstract Submission Deadlines and Pricing:


  • AHA Professional Members: $45
  • Non-Members: $95


  • Abstracts open: March 12, 2025
  • Abstracts close: May 21, 2025

Abstract Submission

  • Review Best Practices for Writing Abstracts
  • Submit all abstracts in English.
  • Authors should not "split" data to create several abstracts from one. If splitting is judged to have occurred, priority scores of related abstracts will be reduced.
  • Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution and/or individuals will be disqualified.
  • Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. The abstract will be reviewed exactly as submitted.
  • An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the investigation.
  • Describe briefly the objectives of the study unless they are contained in the title. Include a brief statement of methods if pertinent. State findings in detail sufficient to support conclusions. Abstracts should not describe research in which the chemical identity or source of the reagent is proprietary or cannot be revealed.
  • Use generic drug names.
  • Do not begin sentences with numerals.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Nonstandard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
  • Do not include references, credits or grant support.
  • Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
  • The character limit cannot exceed 2,500. Spaces and punctuation count as characters.


  • Submitters will be notified of acceptance/non-acceptance status via e-mail by mid-July 2025.
  • Abstracts are reviewed in blinded fashion and selected on the basis of scientific merit. The conference Program Committees will determine whether the abstract is to be presented orally or by poster.
  • Request oral, poster or moderated poster presentation on the presentation preference tab of the submitter site. Unless you select "poster only" the selection of one of these options will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee an oral or moderated poster presentation because abstracts will be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation. Although every effort will be made to accommodate your presentation request, there is no guarantee that you will present in the mode of your preference.
  • Expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter.
  • Presenting/submitting authors must register and pay associated fees for attendance at the conference.
  • Abstracts selected will be published in an online version of Hypertension.
  • Accepted abstracts will not have been published (manuscript or abstract) prior to the date of this submission or presented at any national or international meeting prior to September 3, 2025. Abstracts are embargoed for release at date and time of presentation or time of AHA news event. Information may not be released before then. Failure to honor embargo policies will result in the abstract being withdrawn and barred from presentation.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the authors to present if accepted. Failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.
  • Recording Policy:
    • Unauthorized recording of AHA Scientific Sessions, scientific conferences and the ASA International Stroke Conference is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography, audio or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting audiovisual materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials.
    • The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association reserve the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings.

Abstract Withdrawal

  • There is no guarantee that your abstract will not be published in the final program and the Journal unless request for withdrawal is received in writing via email to [email protected] by August 5, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. CDT (UTC -5). Please reference "HTN2025."

Abstract Revisions

  • Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. No proof pages will be sent to authors.
  • Abstracts may not be revised after May 21, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. CDT (UTC -5)


  • All presentations and question-and-answer sessions will be conducted in English. Presenters may request assistance from the moderator who will repeat or rephrase questions from the audience or may ask a colleague in the audience to assist with translation.
  • References to work previously published by other authors must include citations at the bottom of the appropriate slides.
  • Unauthorized recording of the conference is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography, audio or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting AV materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials.
  • All oral presentations must be in electronic format. Electronic presentations must be submitted 12 business hours in advance of the session start time. Instructions will be provided upon acceptance.

Aldosterone, Receptors and Signal Transduction

Antihypertensive Drugs and Pharmacology

Blood Pressure Monitoring

BP Control and Adherence to Treatment

Cardiac Hypertrophy and Dysfunction

Cognition, Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke

Chronic Kidney Disease, Nitric Oxide Endothelin and Other Endothelial Factors

Clinical Trials in Hypertension and Related Morbidities

Diabetes, Lipids, Obesity, Nutrition, Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome

Gender Differences and Sex Hormones

Genetics, Epigenetics and Epidemiology

Hypertension and Aging

Microbiome, Infection and Hypertension

Neurogenic Mechanisms

Non-Pharmacological Therapy (Alternative Medicine; Diet; Physical Activity)

Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Immunity and Cytokines

Patient-Provider-Healthcare System Issues

Pediatric and Adolescent Hypertension

Pregnancy, Preeclampsia and Developmental Programming

Proteomics and Metabolomics

Renal Hemodynamics, Tubular Transport, Salt, Renovascular Hypertension

Renin-Angiotensin System

Resistant Hypertension

Vascular Biology, Remodeling, Dysfunction, Stiffness

The suggestions below are intended to provide guidance on abstract writing.

Title: To the extent the data permits, make the title dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive. For example, "Hypoxia Inhibits Kv1.5 Channels in Rat Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells" is preferable to "Effects of Hypoxia on Kv1.5 Channels." Explicit titles denoting the findings should be used (not "Investigations of…," "Studies of…," etc.)

Structure: Abstracts should have the following identifiable sections: Introduction, Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Category: Be sure to select the correct abstract category. Category selection determines which team grades the abstract. If you select the appropriate category, your abstract will be blindly graded by experts familiar with the science of the category.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Failure to state the hypothesis. We advise a formal statement such as, "We assessed the hypothesis that…"
  2. Failure to state a conclusion. We encourage a final sentence that says: "In conclusion…"
  3. Failure to state sample size. The reviewers want to assess the quality of the data – they need a mean SEM and a sample size.
  4. Excessive use of abbreviations. All but the most standard abbreviations should be defined, and most abstracts should have less than 3 abbreviations.

Traps to Avoid:

  1. Typographical errors
  2. References cited in the abstract
  3. Not providing context or a statement of relevance that provides the rationale for your study.
  4. Complex graphics. Simple line or bar graphs are most appropriate. Ensure the font size is adequately large on each axis to be visible. Check a printed version of the abstract before submitting.
  5. Duplicative work

Remember: Make sure your abstract is clear, concise, and follows all rules. Show your abstract to a colleague prior to submission and modify accordingly. A fresh pair of eyes will help spot any errors and will ensure the final package is ready for submission.

Awards Submission

Abstract Awards

For all awards listed bellow, you must submit a scientific abstract to the Hypertension Scientific Sessions as well as all supporting award documentation via the conference's abstract submission site by the deadline.

The deadline for abstract submissions is May 21, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. CDT.

To be eligible, you must have an active AHA Professional Membership with the Council on Hypertension. 

Awards through the Council Awards System

To qualify for the Stephanie Watts Career Development Award, you must meet the following deadlines:

Council on Hypertension 2025 Awards and Lectures

Early Career Awards

* A copy of the abstract submitted to the conference is required for this award.

Mid-Career Awards


Lifetime Achievement Awards

Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease 2025 Awards and Lectures