Getting to the Heart of Sleep Health: Podcast 2
Cardiovascular Consequences of Inadequate Sleep
Many patients that you see in clinical practice have sleep issues, but they will not share that unless they are prompted about it.
In this podcast leaders in sleep medicine discuss Getting to the Heart of Sleep Health. Drs. Younghoon Kwon, Marie-Pierre St-Onge and Nancy Redeker explore how patients may have multiple symptoms, and they're often accompanied by dissatisfaction with sleep and patients reporting that they don't feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning.
Learn from experts in sleep medicine about talking with your patients.
Editor's note: The researchers in this podcast discuss sleep issues among African Americans, based largely on the language used in previous studies. However, this discussion also pertains to Black Americans who are not of African descent or do not identify as African American.

Younghoon Kwon, MD, MS
Associate Professor, Medicine
Director, Cardiac ICU/ Inpatient Service at Harborview Medical Center
Associate Director, Cardiac ICU at University of
Washington Medical Center

Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD, CCSH, FAHA
Associate Professor of Nutritional Medicine
Center Director, AHA Go Red SFRN
Director, Sleep center of excellence ~ Connecting day & night rhythms
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Nancy Redeker, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Professor of Nursing, Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Yale School of Medicine