Restricted Page

This page has been restricted to invitation-only participants. Please contact the AHA Research Administrator if you should have received an invitation.

Additional SURE Scholars Program Information

  • Students are awarded once a year.
  • Each year, new access will be created for that year's awardees and stakeholders. Previous awardees will not have access to this page.
  • Application process begins in the winter, awards granted in Spring and the program runs during the summer.
  • Currently, 24–30 awards are granted each summer.
  • Awardees are not AHA members.
  • Awardees will create ProposalCentral profiles AFTER accessing the password-protected page, so they will not have PC accounts initially.


2024 Holidays

AHA offices will be closed:                                    Altum/Proposal Central will be closed:
Jan. 1 Sept. 2   Jan. 1 July 4
Jan. 15 Nov. 28 & 29   Jan. 15 Sept. 2
May 27 Dec. 23-27   Feb. 19 Oct. 14
July 3-5     May 27 Nov. 28 & 29

    June 19 Dec. 23-27