Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Message from the Chair
Elizabeth A. Jackson, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA
Welcome to the Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research (QCOR). I am privileged to be the incoming chair of QCOR. I am truly honored to step into this role after the outstanding leadership of Dr. Pam Peterson. She has provided direction in a time of change as we move past the pandemic and move the QCOR meetings to the fall.
The council comprises outstanding investigators and clinicians from across AHA to work with others toward improving cardiovascular care. This multi-disciplinary membership holds a repository of unique expertise in policy, data science, healthcare quality, and health equality, to name a few.
As we move our QCOR meeting from the spring to the fall, I hope we all come together to move QCOR into the future. Healthcare needs your expertise as never before. We have much to give in the areas of cardiovascular value-based care. Each time I meet with members of QCOR, I find myself a more knowledgeable person with an ever-increasing dedication to the mission of QCOR and AHA.
Over the next year, I hope to meet with members to understand your vision for QCOR. I have always been impressed with the knowledge, mentorship, and sense of community QCOR provides; as we move forward, I want to hear your thoughts on how QCOR can add value to all members of this council and AHA.
Elizabeth A. Jackson, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA
Chair, Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research (QCOR)