3CPR Message from the Chair
Sarah Perman, MD, MSCE, FAHA
The Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR) unique collaborative council between successful scientists and clinical experts within the 3CPR sciences. We boast a breadth of topical expertise unique to this council that spans basic, translational, and clinical science in collaboration with tremendous clinical expertise within the 3CPR topical areas.
This is an exciting time for growth for the Council as we recover from COVID-related research priorities and clinical obligations to regroup as a cohesive team dedicated to the 3CPR sciences. In our development, we are focused on the continued support of our Early Career Committee, an investment in broadening our membership, and a focus on additional programming throughout the calendar year to keep our council vital and engaged.
We hope you will continue to contribute to the council's mission by continuing your involvement and encouraging engagement from your colleagues and trainees. To keep our council vital, we are eager to share with you the numerous opportunities to engage:
- Council Committees, task forces, and writing groups, including the Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Committee that will draft the 2025 CPR Guidelines
- Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS) and Scientific Sessions, both of which showcase our council's contributions to improving health outcomes for cardiovascular disease
- 3CPR Council Reception and Networking Event
- Advocacy at both the Local and National level
- Council Awards & Lectures – Dickinson W. Richards Lecture, Cournand and Comroe Young Investigator Prize competition, the Max Harry Weil Award, and the Emergency Medical Services Fellowship awards
- The inaugural 3CPR Mid-Career Lecture Award, which will be presented this year at ReSS, will reward a mid-career scientist for their accomplishments to date
- Opportunity to become a Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA)
- Promoting research of interest to you and your colleagues through the design of programs pertinent to 3CPR content areas at both the Resuscitation Science Symposium and Scientific Sessions
- Engaging trainees, early career scholars, and members from novel disciplines (including nurses, psychologists, and respiratory therapists, amongst others) to join and participate in 3CPR
- Networking with your peer group and mentoring the 3CPR members of the future
We strive to be the preferred member organization for all professionals in cardiovascular disease, cardiac and medical critical care, pulmonary hypertension, perioperative care, and resuscitation. We are committed to providing novel content, rigorous scientific programs, networking opportunities for all, and a dynamic environment to grow your science and our community. I look forward to serving as your Chair and am eager to work alongside you all to ensure the 3CPR Council flourishes.
Sarah Perman, MD, MSCE, FAHA
Chair, Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation Council (3CPR)

Resuscitation Science Symposium
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown| Philadelphia, Pennsylvania