3CPR Early Career Development Opportunities
Emerging Scientists
The Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR) fosters the development of early career professionals, including research scientists and clinicians. The council has programs, awards and travel grants to ensure ongoing training and to recognize and reward talented early career individuals.
The Cournand and Comroe Young Investigator Prizes in Cardiopulmonary Perioperative and Critical Care
The Cournand and Comroe Award acknowledges the research and accomplishments of early career investigator members of the council and encourages them to continue their research in biomedical sciences. Finalists will be honored and a winner will be named at the annual council dinner at AHA Scientific Sessions in November.
3CPR Junior Investigator Travel Stipend
The Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR) Junior Investigator Travel Stipends encourage and support the efforts of junior investigator council members in cardiovascular research and encourage young investigators, women and under-represented minorities to participate in council and AHA activities. These stipends provide travel funding to the AHA's Scientific Sessions for outstanding early career investigators who have been invited to present their research.
3CPR Max Harry Weil Award
The 3CPR Max Harry Weil Award was established in 2012. The award acknowledges the accomplishments of young investigators and to encourage investigators to continue their research in biomedical sciences relevant to the mission and scope of the 3CPR council.
3CPR Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Travel Stipend
The Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Travel Stipends encourage and support the efforts of EMS chiefs, educators and other non-physician EMS leadership and encourage them to participate in council and AHA activities at Scientific Sessions. These stipends provide travel funding to the AHA's Scientific Sessions, and well as complimentary Sessions registration for non-physician EMS personnel who have a strong interest in cardiac arrest, CPR and resuscitation care.

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