ATVB Women's Leadership Committee Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Women
Sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Committee of the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
The ATVB Women's Leadership Committee Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Women is sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Committee of the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) and is presented annually to a member of the ATVB Council whose actions have demonstrated her/his exceptional service in the mentorship, support, advocacy, and/or sponsorship of women in the fields of arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.
Outstanding Mentorship of Women Award Recipients
- 2025 Elena Aikawa, MD, PhD, FAHA
- 2024 Yabing Chen, PhD, MBA, FAHA
- 2023 Hong Wang, MD, PhD, EMBA, FAHA
- 2022 Daisy Sohoo, PhD, FAHA
- 2021 Ann Marie Schmidt, MD
- 2020 Murray Huff, PhD, FAHA
- 2019 Nancy R. Webb, PhD, FAHA
- 2018 Kathryn J. Moore, PhD, FAHA
- 2017 Kerry-Anne Rye, PhD, FAHA58
- 2016 Muredach Reilly, MBBCH, MSCE, FAHA
- 2015 Catherine C. "Lynn" Hedrick, PhD FAHA
- 2014 Coleen A. McNamara, MD
- 2013 Larry Rudel PhD, FAHA
- 2012 Lisa A. Cassis, PhD
- 2011 Rama Natarajan, PhD, FAHA
- 2010 Alan Daugherty, PhD, DSc, FAHA
- 2009 Martha Cathcart, PhD, FAHA
- 2008 Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, FAHA
- 2007 Judith A. Berliner, PhD, FAHA
- 2006 Edward F. Plow, PhD, FAHA
- 2005 Carole L. Banka, PhD, FAHA
- 2004 Linda K. Curtiss, PhD, FAHA
- 2003 Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD, FAHA
- 2002 Mary Sorci-Thomas, PhD, FAHA
- 2001 Trudy M. Forte, PhD, FAHA
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be an active member of the ATVB Council at time of nomination submission and submit all required documents by the deadline.
Current members of the ATVB Women's Leadership Committee are not eligible to be nominated for the award.
How to Apply or Submit a Nomination
The nomination file should contain the following documents in PDF format:
- A copy of nominee’s curriculum vitae and bibliography.
- A letter of nomination or candidate statement (limited to 250 words), detailing the candidate's contributions to the field of arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology research and demonstration of their exceptional service in the mentorship, support, advocacy, and/or sponsorship of women in the fields of arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.
- One letter of recommendation from a senior mentor/division or department chief.
- Up to two (2) letters of support from a former mentee.
- A list of mentees including the year mentored.
Visit the Council Awards Application System to apply or submit a nomination.
Once logged in, you may apply for the Vascular Discovery Career Achievement Awards in Mentoring and select the ATVB Women's Leadership Committee Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Women from the award drop-down list.
The award will be presented at the spring ATVB Council dinner at the Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions.
The honoree will receive the following:
- An engraved plaque.
- Complimentary registration to the Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions.
- One complimentary ticket to the Mentor of Women Networking Luncheon, hosted by the Women’s Leadership Committee.
- One complimentary ticket to the ATVB & PVD Joint Council Dinner. Attendance at the dinner is required.
- Join or renew as an AHA Professional Member
- Submit your application in the Council Awards Application System
- Instructions for ProposalCentral, the Council Awards platform
- Council Awards Application System (ProposalCentral) Help Desk: [email protected]
- Council Awards: [email protected]
- Member Services: [email protected]
- Abstract Submitter Password/Login: [email protected]
- Abstract Submission: [email protected]