Lewis K. Dahl Memorial Lecture
Sponsored by the Council on Hypertension
Applications will open on March 12, 2025
To qualify for this award, you must meet the following deadlines:
- May 29, 2025 – Deadline to have an active AHA membership with the Council on Hypertension.
- May 30, 2025, 6 p.m. (CT) – Deadline to apply for this award in the Council Awards System.
The Lewis K. Dahl Memorial Lecture was established in 1988 by the Council for High Blood Pressure Research (now known as the Council on Hypertension) in honor of Dr. Dahl’s pioneering work on the relations between salt, the kidney and hypertension, and for establishing a major genetically based experimental model of hypertension (Dahl salt-sensitive rat). The winner will present a lecture during the Hypertension Scientific Sessions.
Award Recipients
- 2024 Pablo A. Ortiz, PhD
- 2023 Eric D. Lazartigues, PhD, FAHA
- 2022 Kailash N. Pandey, PhD, FAHA
- 2021 Steven D. Crowley, MD, FAHA
- 2020 Jennifer S. Pollock, PhD, FAHA, FAPS
- 2019 John D. Imig, PhD, FAHA
- 2018 Dominik N. Müller, PhD
- 2017 Satoru Eguchi, MD, PhD, FAHA
- 2016 Tianxin Yang, MD, PhD, FAHA
- 2015 Bernardo Rodriguez-Iturbe, MD
- 2014 Bina Joe, PhD, FAHA
- 2013 David Pollock, PhD
- 2012 Stephanie Watts, PhD
- 2011 Jane Reckelhoff, PhD
- 2010 Brian Morris, DSc, PhD
- 2009 Christian Deschepper, MD
- 2008 Edward W. Inscho, PhD
- 2007 Debra Diz, PhD
- 2006 Christine Baylis, PhD
- 2005 Jeffrey Garvin, PhD
- 2004 Rhian M. Touyz, MD, PhD, MBBCH
- 2003 Pedro A. Jose, MD, PhD
- 2002 Joey Granger, PhD
- 2001 Leopoldo Raij, MD
- 2000 Christopher S. Wilcox, MD, PhD
- 1999 William B. Campbell, PhD
- 1998 Richard J. Roman, PhD
- 1997 L. Gabriel Navar, PhD
- 1996 Alberto Nasjletti, MD
- 1995 Celso E. Gomez-Sanchez, MD
- 1994 Haralambos Gavras, MD
- 1993 Suzanne Oparil, MD
- 1992 John E. Hall, MD
- 1991 Juan Carlos Romero, MD
- 1990 John H. Laragh, MD
- 1989 Ervin G. Erdos, MD
- 1988 Gerald F. DiBona, MD
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a member of the AHA Council on Hypertension at the time nomination is submitted. Join or renew today!
- There are no citizenship requirements.
- Previous awardees are not eligible to re-apply for the award in subsequent years.
- Past recipients of the Arthur C. Corcoran Memorial Lecture are not eligible for the Lewis K. Dahl Memorial Lecture.
- Past recipients of the Council on Hypertension Excellence Award in Hypertension Research (and all previous names of the award) are not eligible.
- Notwithstanding the above, the AHA Officers have the discretion to determine eligibility for the award in extraordinary circumstances when there is an issue relating to AHA policy or positions or other potentially controversial issue relating to the positioning or perception of the AHA.
- Each recipient of AHA council-sponsored awards, regardless of award category, is eligible to receive only one council-sponsored award each year per AHA scientific meeting.
How to Make a Nomination/Required Documents
Electronic submission through the Council Awards Application System is required. Hard copies of any part of the nomination cannot be accepted. Please follow instructions for ProposalCentral, the new Council Awards platform.
Apply Now for the Hypertension Scientific Sessions Mid-Career Achievement Awards and Lectures and select the HTN Lewis K. Dahl Memorial Lecture from the award drop down list.
The nomination file (submitted on the nominee’s behalf) should contain the following documents in PDF format:
- Letter of nomination and one supporting letter on behalf of the candidate that outlines why the candidate is worthy of recognition. This may include the candidate's accomplishments in the field of hypertension, his or her volunteer activities with the AHA (affiliate and/or national level), teaching and mentoring activities, or a combination of these.
- Curriculum vitae, including all publication (abstracts not necessary).
Members of the Council on Hypertension Awards Committee are not eligible to write support letters for applicants.
- Complimentary registration to Hypertension Scientific Sessions
- Two (2) tickets to the Hypertension Scientific Sessions Awards Banquet
- An engraved plaque
- $1,000 honorarium
- Reimbursement for eligible travel expenses up to $1,000
- For rules and regulations for submitting abstracts to the Hypertension Scientific Sessions, visit 2023 Abstract Submission Guidelines (PDF)
- Join or renew as an AHA Professional Member
- Submit your application in the Council Awards Application System
- Instructions for ProposalCentral, Council Awards platform
- Council Awards Application System (ProposalCentral) Help Desk: [email protected]
- Council Awards: [email protected]
- Member Services: [email protected]
- Abstract Submitter Password/Login: [email protected]
- Abstract Submission: [email protected]

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers

Hypertension Scientific Sessions
Marriott Baltimore Waterfront | Baltimore, Maryland