Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2019 Update
Published: January 31, 2019

The Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2019 Update from the American Heart Association indicates that:
- 116.4 million, or 46% of US adults are estimated to have hypertension. These are findings related to the new 2017 Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines.
- On average, someone dies of CVD every 38 seconds. About 2,303 deaths from CVD each day, based on 2016 data.
- On average, someone dies of a stroke every 3.70 minutes. About 389.4 deaths from stroke each day, based on 2016 data.
Supporting Materials
- Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – At-a-Glance (PDF)
- Commentary: Latest heart disease and stroke statistics reveal challenges and opportunities by Mariell Jessup, MD, FAHA; Chief Science and Medical Officer, American Heart Association
- AHA News: Cardiovascular diseases affect nearly half of American adults, statistics show
- News Release: Nearly half of all U.S. adults have some form of cardiovascular disease