The National Physical Activity Plan: A Call to Action From the American Heart Association
Published: April 27, 2015

- Sedentary, inactive lifestyles contribute to cardiovascular disease and overall morbidity and mortality in the United States and worldwide. Americans do not get enough physical activity.
- The National Physical Activity Plan presents a multi-sector approach to work together to increase physical activity in all segments of the U.S. population.
- This is a call to action for all American Heart Association volunteers and members to act locally, regionally, and nationally to promote increased physical activity and structured exercise in daily lives.
Supporting Materials
- Commentary: Answering the AHA Call to Action: Are you a Physical Activity Ambassador? by Ross Arena, PhD, PT, FAHA
- Top Things to Know: The National Physical Activity Plan
Recommended Reading
- The National Physical Activity Plan
- 2007 Physical Activity Recommendations: Physical Activity and Public Health
- 2007 Physical Activity and Public Health in Older Adults
- Promoting Physical Activity in Children and Youth
- Defining and Setting National Goals for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease Reduction