Rapid Diet Assessment Screening Tools for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Across Healthcare Settings

Published: August 07, 2020

female nutritionist consulting a female patient about healthy eating
  • Poor dietary quality has surpassed all other mortality risk factors, accounting for 11 million deaths and 50% of cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths globally, yet most clinicians and other healthcare providers do not currently assess dietary intake during routine clinical care because of clinical practice barriers and technology adoption challenges with electronic health records (EHR).
  • This statement supports the widespread adoption of rapid diet screener tools for adults in primary care and relevant specialty care prevention settings, evaluates existing tools against optimal theory and practice-based features, and discusses integration opportunities and challenges for integration into clinician workflows through the EHR.
  • Faster progress in integrating diet quality assessment into patient care hinges on greater use of electronic medical records for follow-up evaluation and on encouraging critical conversations among clinicians, individuals with diet/lifestyle expertise, and specialists in information technology.