Neighborhoods and Cardiovascular Health
Published: December 11, 2023

- The neighborhoods where individuals reside shape environmental exposures, access to resources, and opportunities.
- The inequitable distribution of resources and opportunities across neighborhoods perpetuates and exacerbates cardiovascular health (CVH) inequities. Thus, interventions that impact the neighborhood environment could potentially reduce the inequitable burden of cardiovascular disease in marginalized populations.
- This Scientific Statement provides a roadmap to illustrate how current knowledge regarding the impact of neighborhoods on cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be used to develop and implement effective interventions to improve CVH at the population, health system, community, and individual levels.
Supporting Materials
- Commentary: Place Matters: Navigating Heart Health Through Place-Based Policy by Tamara Dubowitz, ScD, SM, MSc Senior Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation; Andrea Richardson, PhD, MPH Senior Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation
- Top Things to Know: Neighborhoods and CV Health