Increasing Equity of Physical Activity Promotion for Optimal Cardiovascular Health in Adults
Published: May 24, 2023

- Addressing low levels of physical activity among under-resourced groups provides a modifiable target with the potential to improve equity in cardiovascular health (CVH).
- Approaches to increasing physical activity should strongly consider not only focusing on commonly identified barriers to physical activity – time, access, and knowledge limitations – but overcoming barriers specific to individual groups.
- Long-term solutions to structural barriers will require upstream approaches to address access to care, expansion of coverage for preventative services, and continued development of community resources to support regular physical activity.
Recommended Reading
- 2022 Life’s Essential 8: Updating and Enhancing the American Heart Association’s Construct of Cardiovascular Health
- 2021 Supporting Physical Activity in Patients and Populations During Life Events and Transitions
- 2021 Physical Activity as a Critical Component of First-Line Treatment for Elevated Blood Pressure or Cholesterol: Who, What, and How?
- 2020 Exercise-Related Acute Cardiovascular Events and Potential Deleterious Adaptations Following Long-Term Exercise Training
- 2020 Creating Built Environments That Expand Active Transportation and Active Living Across the United States
- 2020 Built Environment Approaches to Increase Physical Activity
- 2019 Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation
- 2018 Routine Assessment and Promotion of Physical Activity in Healthcare Settings
- 2017 Prioritizing Functional Capacity as a Principal End Point for Therapies Oriented to Older Adults With Cardiovascular Disease
- Physical Activity and Exercise Recommendations for stroke survivors