Impact of Hormonal Therapies for Treatment of Hormone-Dependent Cancers (Breast and Prostate) on the Cardiovascular System

Published: April 26, 2021

Female cancer patient standing by a window with a young woman holding a red heart in the corner
  • Hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer, are the most common non-cutaneous cancers afflicting women and men respectively in the US and worldwide; and together are the second leading individual cause of cancer deaths. As patients with hormone-dependent cancers continue to live longer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has emerged as a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in this group.
  • Baseline CVD and CV risk factors as well as the length of time on therapy increase the risk of CV events associated with hormonal therapies.
  • A multi-disciplinary approach to patient care and patient involvement at treatment initiation and follow up is key to simultaneously optimize patients’ oncologic and CV outcomes.