Forecasting the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke in the United States Through 2050 — Prevalence of Risk Factors and Disease
Published: June 04, 2024

- The prevalence of cardiovascular disease and stroke (CVDS) prevalence in the US is rising. Knowledge of the future prevalence of CVD risk factors and CVDS through the middle of the century is especially important because of demographic shifts resulting in an older and more diverse population.
- Forecasts regarding the prevalence of risk factors and CV clinical events are crucial for clinical leaders and policymakers to plan interventions and project future needs for workforce and health care infrastructure.
- This scientific statement provides forecasting analyses conducted with national survey and epidemiologic data to predict the prevalence and number of people with CVD risk factors, health related behaviors, and overt CVD, including stroke, from 2020 to 2050 for both adults and children across a range of sociodemographic subgroups.