Cardio Obstetrics
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Response by Xu et al to Letter Regarding Article, “Extreme Temperature Events, Fine Particulate Matter, and Myocardial Infarction Mortality”
Circulation, Volume 149, Issue 2, Page 168-169, January 9, 2024.
Referral to Community-Based Rehabilitation Following Acute Stroke: Findings From the COMPASS Pragmatic Trial
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, Volume 17, Issue 1, Page e010026, January 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND:Few studies on care transitions...
Temporal Trends in Substance Use and Cardiovascular Disease–Related Mortality in the United States
BACKGROUND:Few studies on care transitions...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
BackgroundThere are limited data on substance use (SU) and card...
Access to Mobile Health Interventions Among Patients Hospitalized With Heart Failure: Insights Into the Digital Divide From the CONNECT-HF mHealth Substudy
BackgroundThere are limited data on substance use (SU) and card...
Circulation: Heart Failure, Ahead of Print.
Arterial Stiffness and Carotid Intima‐Media Thickness in Children Exposed to Smokeless Tobacco in Fetal Life
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
BackgroundArterial stiffening and increased intima‐media thickn...
Deployment of Point‐of‐Care Echocardiography to Improve Cardiac Diagnostic Access Among American Indians
BackgroundArterial stiffening and increased intima‐media thickn...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
BackgroundAmerican Indians face significant barriers to diagnos...
Advancing Cardiovascular Health Equity Globally Through Digital Technologies
BackgroundAmerican Indians face significant barriers to diagnos...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of deat...
Digital Health Interventions for Heart Failure Management in Underserved Rural Areas of the United States: A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of deat...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
BackgroundHeart failure disproportionately affects individuals...
Cardiac Rehabilitation Enabled With Health Technology: Innovative Models of Care Delivery and Policy to Enhance Health Equity
BackgroundHeart failure disproportionately affects individuals...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
Rationale and Design of the mTECH‐Rehab Randomized Controlled Trial: Impact of a Mobile Technology Enabled Corrie Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Functional Status and Cardiovascular Health
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
BackgroundCardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an evidence‐based, gui...
BackgroundCardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an evidence‐based, gui...