Expenditures Report Instructions and Tips
The AHA requires annual expenditures reports for all project awards and end-of-award reports for fellowships. Reports must be submitted in ProposalCentral, using the appropriate Expenditures Report deliverable.
Accessing the Report
Go to the Awards tab. Do not use the link on your Home page. On the Award tab, click the Award ID in the Identifier column, which will open the specific award record. On the Award record, click the Deliverables tab. Deliverables are listed in Due Date order. Scroll to the Expenditures Report deliverable and click the Plus icon to access the report.
Please report expenses incurred during the reporting period and directly related to the approved research project.
Allowable Expenses
Tips for Completing the Report
- Turn off Popup Blockers. The report uses popups to enter data for new line items.
- Click the blue Add button in each section to add new or additional entries.
- Each entry must have a clear description. It is not acceptable to only enter a dollar amount. If you do not see a field to add text, click the Add button in the section and enter data on the popup screen for the new entry. Please do not use abbreviations.
- Both the Principal Investigator and Fiscal Officer (only one if multiple names are listed) must sign off on the report. The first signer should use the Save button. The second signer should use the Save and Submit button to complete the report submission. When the report has been successfully submitted, the status will be updated to Submitted.
- If the report is missing information or contains unclear descriptions, AHA staff will follow-up with the fiscal officer and awardee. Award payments may be held if the AHA does not receive the requested information.
Personnel Section
If the person you are reporting salary/stipend and fringe for was not in the original budget, please click the Add button and create a new entry for them. Entries listed as Technician, TBN/TBD, Other, etc. are not acceptable when reporting salary/stipend and fringe.
If personnel are new to the project, please submit a Request Personnel Change with their 5-page biosketch (for individuals with doctoral degrees) and a description of the work they will perform on the project.
Non-personnel Section
- Equipment: Please include a name/description of the item purchased and the purchase date.
- Supplies: Expenses may be described in general terms, e.g., laboratory supplies, animal food and care, chemicals, and glassware. Expenses described as General Supplies or Lab Supplies should list the major categories of items included in that total. For example, Lab Supplies (including plasticware, glassware, pipettes, and tubing) $29,987.
- Travel: Please include the name of the traveler, the meeting/conference name and city/state and the dates of the travel.
- Publications: Please describe the nature of the expense, for example publication/abstract fees.
- Other Project Expenses: These expenses should be itemized. Descriptions/labels should provide enough detail so that our staff can clearly identify the nature of the expenses. Descriptions like “Miscellaneous” or “Other” are not acceptable.
NOTE: Only AHA Professional Membership is allowed and only for the awardee. Membership fees for other organizations and individuals are not allowed.
Unspent Balance
An investigator may request to carryover the unspent balance to the next award period or to a one-time no-cost extension (not applicable on fellowship or training awards). The awardee should submit a request in ProposalCentral. Refer to the Awardees FAQs page for more information.
Unspent funds remaining at the end of the award must be returned to the AHA. Amounts less than $10 may be written off.
Funds should be sent to American Heart Association, Attn: Research & Grants Administration, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231-4596. Please include the AHA award number and the awardee’s name for reference.
Contact the AHA
If you have questions, please contact the Awards Team at [email protected] or +1-214-360-6107 option 2.
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