Collaborating Investigator Information
A collaborating investigator contributes in a substantive way to the scientific development or execution of the project. Typically, a collaborating investigator has a doctoral or other professional degree and devotes a specific percent of effort to the project. For certain AHA programs, an applicant will identify a collaborating investigator.
Supporting Documentation from Collaborating Investigator
The applicant cannot submit the proposal without your documents. Therefore, it is important that you meet the applicant's deadline. Send your documents electronically to the applicant. The applicant will upload the documents into the proposal. A collaborator, consultant or sponsor contributing to an application that requires reference letters may not also serve as a referent. If you have also been asked to also provide a reference document, notify the applicant immediately.
The collaborating investigator must provide the following documents:
- Letter confirming your participation and amount of time to be devoted to the project.
- Biographical sketch (5-page limit). Submit your current NIH biosketch.
If you do not have an NIH biographical sketch, please contact the [email protected] for a template to use to create one.
Format/Type Requirements for All Documents
- Create documents as Word files
- No more than 15 characters per inch (cpi) or an average of no more than 15 cpi (cpi includes symbols, punctuation and spaces)
- No less than ¾" margins allowed
- Maximum 50 lines per page
- Arial Font style, 12 point font size for Windows users; Helvetica Font style, 12 point font size for Macintosh users
Collaborators for A-TRAC Proposals
Please submit the following documents as a part of your application to Anshula Kesh:
- Letter confirming your participation and amount of time to be devoted to the project.
- NIH biosketch (new format: 5-pages) of your collaborating investigator(s).