AHA's Investment 2015-2020
By The Numbers
- 132 publications to date, an average of 33 per Center
- 51 publications in the AHA journal Hypertension
- 3 NIH R01s, 1 NIH CTSA supplement, 3 AHA Awards, and 3 early career awards directly resulting from SFRN projects to date
- $21M in NIH funding since start of Network
Notable Publications
Association of Blood Pressure Level With Left Ventricular Mass in Adolescents, Hypertension, June 2019
- Abnormal heart structure was present in youth with BP levels below the current definition of hypertension.
- Elaine Urbina, MD, Center Director, Joseph Flynn, MD, Project PI, Richard Becker, MD, Project PI, Mark Mitsnefes, MD, Training Director
Rag 1-null dahl SS rats reveal adaptive immune mechanisms exacerbate high-protein induced hypertension and renal injury, American Journal of Physiology, Jul 2018
- Increased dietary protein causes the immune system response to worsen salt-induced hypertension and kidney damage.
- John Dasinger, PhD, Fellow, David Mattson, PhD, Project PI
Association of Daytime and Nighttime Blood Pressure With Cardiovascular Disease Events Among African American Individuals, JAMA Cardiology, Aug 2019
- Higher daytime and nighttime systolic blood pressure in African American individuals is associated with increased risk for CVD and all-cause mortality, which 24-H blood pressure monitoring may help identify in at-risk patients.
- Paul Muntner, PhD, Center Director, John Booth III, PhD, Fellow, Daniel Jones, MD, former AHA President, Marwah Abdalla, MD, MPH, AHA- Funded AMFDP scholar
Arginine vasopressin infusion is sufficient to model clinical features of preeclampsia in mice, JCI Insight, Oct 2018
- Arginine vasopressin may initiate clinical signs of preeclampsia in specific human forms of preeclampsia.
- Curt Sigmund, PhD, Center Director, Gary Pierce, PhD, Project PI, Mark Santillan, MD, PhD, Project PI, Justin Grobe, PhD, Project PI, Guorui Deng, PhD, Fellow, Anand Nair, PhD, Fellow
Notable Collaborations
- Network-wide publication in AHA’s Hypertension Journal introducing the Hypertension SFRN
- U of Iowa academic-industrial collaborations which produced new patent filings describing the use of arginine vasopressin receptor modulators
- Medical College of Wisconsin and University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) joint publication in Journal of the American Society of Hypertension blood pressure in the Jackson Heart Study, led by SFRN Fellow, Dr. S. Justin Thomas
- U of Iowa PIs collaborating with the Go Red for Women SFRN center at Magee Women’s Research Institute and Foundation to evaluate the role of arginine vasopressin in post-partum hypertension
- U of Iowa’s work with PIs at the Northwestern University Prevention SFRN Center exploring the impact of maternal physical activity on atherosclerosis in offspring