Go Red for Women

Research Focus:
Developing evidence for prevention/ screening
guideline to help educate women how poor
sleep can hurt their heart.
Center Director:
Lori Mosca, MD, MPH, PhD, FAHA
Marie Pierre St-Onge, PhD, FAHA
Training Director:
Anne Taylor, MD
Brooke Aggarwal, EdD, MS, CHES
Principal Investigators:
- Sanja Jelic, MD
The Effects of Sleep Restriction on Endothelial Activation in Pre- and Post-Menopausal Women - Marie Pierre St-Onge, PhD, FAHA
Impact of Sleep Restriction on Cardio Metabolic Risk Factors in Pre- vs Post-menopausal Women - Brooke Aggarwal, EdD, MS, CHES
Sleep and Cardio Metabolic Risk in Different Life Stages in a Diverse Population of Women

Research Focus:
Studies will help identify at-risk heart failure patients on the basis for sex
differences and the prevention strategies to help them.
Center Director:
Pamela Ouyang, MBBS, FAHA
Training Director:
Erin Michos, MD, MHS, FAHA
Principal Investigators:
- David Kass, MD, FAHA
Female Sex-Hormones and Cyclic GMP-PKG Modulation of Cardiac Disease and Metabolism - Sanjiv Shah, MD, FAHA
Role of Female Sex and Hormone Status on HFpEF Pathophysiology and Therapy - Wendy Post, MD, MS and
Dhananjay Vaidya, MBBS, PhD, MPH
Sex Differences in Hormonal and Cyclic GMP Dependent Pathways to Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction

Research Focus:
Researchers will examine which pregnancy-related signals identify women at highest risk for future cardiovascular disease and guide novel interventions to help them.
Center Director:
Carl Hubel, PhD
Training Director:
James Roberts, MD
Principal Investigators:
- Robert Powers, PhD
The Influence of Pregnancy on Future Vascular Dysfunction and Atherosclerosis -
Carl Hubel, PhD
Glycocalyx Pathways Linking Pregnancy Profile with Microvascular Dysfunction Postpartum - Janet Catov, PhD, MS
The Placenta as a Window to Maternal Microvascular Disease Risk

Research Focus:
Causes of heart attacks in women and their relation to potentially treatable stress.
Center Director:
Judith Hochman, MD, FAHA
Deputy Director:
Harmony Reynolds, MD, FAHA
Training Director:
Glenn Fishman, MD, FAHA
Principal Investigators:
- Jeffrey Berger, MD, FAHA
Comprehensive Assessment of Platelet Activity in Women with Myocardial Infarction - Harmony Reynolds, MD, FAHA
Mechanistic Insights into Myocardial Infarction with Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease (The MINOCA Study) - Tanya Spruill, PhD
Telephone-Based Stress Management for Women with Myocardial Infarction

Research Focus:
Study the relationship between sedentary behavior and cardiovascular risk factors for Latina Women.
Center Director:
Matthew Allison, MD, MPH, FAHA
Training Director:
Matthew Allison, MD, MPH, FAHA
Principal Investigators:
- Dorothy Sears, PhD
Mechanistic Transducers and Biomarkers of Sedentary Behavior-Associated Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Latina Women - Gregory A. Talavera, MD, MPH
Randomized Control Trial to Reduce Sitting Time in Postmenopausal Latina Women at Increased Risk for Heart Disease - Sheila Castaneda, PhD
Biopsychosocial and Ecological Correlates of Latina Women's Sedentary Behavior