Disparities in CVD and Stroke
July 2015 - June 2019

Research Focus:
Acute post-stroke recovery period in the
African American population.
Center Director:
Robert Adams, MD, MS
Training Director:
Daniel Lackland, DrPH, FAHA
Principal Investigators:
- Mark Kindy, PhD, FAHA
Metabolic determinants of vascular stiffness in health disparities related stroke - Leonardo Bonilha, MD, PhD
Influence of pre-morbid brain health on stroke recovery - Gayenell Magwood, PhD
Community-based Intervention under Nurse Guidance after Stroke (CINGS)

Research Focus:
Aims to improve cardiovascular health by
understanding the risk and resilience factors
among African Americans.
Center Director:
Herman Taylor Jr., MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA
Training Director:
Gregory Strayhorn, MD, PhD
Sandra Dunbar, RN, PhD, FAAN, FAHA, FPCNA
Principal Investigators:
- Charles Searles, MD, FAHA and Dean
Jones, PhD
MicroRNA and metabolic profiles associated with social and environmental risk factors in blacks - Arshed Quyyumi, MD and Priscilla
Impact of technology-based intervention for improving self-management behaviors in black adults - Peter Baltrus, PhD and Tené Lewis, PhD
Social and Environmental Factors contributing to Cardiovascular Risk and Resilience among Blacks

Research Focus:
Overall objective is to investigate whether
fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)
contributes to racial and socioeconomic
disparities in heart failure and chronic
kidney disease.
Center Director:
Myles Wolf, MD, MMSc
Mercedes Carnethon, PhD, FAHA
Training Director:
Clyde Yancy, MD, MSc, MACC, FAHA, MACP
Principal Investigators:
- Myles Wolf, MD, MMSc
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Injury Induced by FGF23 in the Settings of High Phosphate Diet and CKD - Orlando Gutierrez, MD, MMSc
Impact of lowering phosphate additive intake on mineral metabolism and cardiovascular health in communityliving adults - Mercedes Carnethon, PhD, FAHA
Contribution of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 to Racial Disparities in Left Ventricular Mass and Albumin/Creatinine Ratio

Research Focus:
Disparities of American Indian and Alaska Natives
with Hypertension and detrimental effects of
negative stereotypes on minority patients.
Center Director:
Spero Manson, PhD
Training Director:
Spero Manson, PhD
Principal Investigators:
- Irene Blair, PhD
Discrimination and Allostatic Load Among American Indians - Edward Havranek, MD
An Intervention to Increase Engagement with Hypertension Care for American Indian Patients - John Steiner, MD, MPH
Improving Hypertension Care of American Indians and Alaska Natives through Interactive Voice Response Technolog