Center Training Director Supporting Documentation
Published: August 17, 2020
Each Center is required to train three fellows during the life of the award. These fellowships should include a basic, clinical and/or translational research experience. The Center must identify a Training Director to oversee the fellows and their training program.
The Center Training Director must provide a letter and biosketch, as detailed below.
Note: The applicant cannot submit his/her application without your documents; therefore, it is important that you meet the applicant's deadline. Send your documents electronically to the applicant. The applicant will upload the documents to his/her application. A document that exceeds the page limit will be rejected by our electronic application system.
1. Letter of Support (2-page maximum)Provide a brief overview of your qualifications, experience, commitment to the multidisciplinary training of postdoctoral fellows at the Center, and the amount of time you can devote to the role of Training Director.
2. Biographical Sketch (5-page maximum) – Use your NIH biosketch NIH OMB No. 0925-0001 and 0925-0002 (Rev. 03/2020 approved through 02/28/2023). It is not necessary to reformat to AHA page specifications.
If public sharing of your research outputs such as data, code, or material led to scientific advances by others, you are encouraged to detail this in the Personal Statement section.