AHA/WSO Joint Membership

  • Join or renew as an AHA/ASA member at the General Tier within the Stroke Council and for an additional $75 receive a joint membership with the World Stroke Association.
  • About the Joint Membership
    • The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) is partnering with the World Stroke Organization (WSO) to develop science programming, advocacy, and learning efforts that will bring together the membership of both organizations to further research and promote learnings in stroke science.
  • AHA Benefits – as a General Professional Member
    • Stroke Council Affiliation
    • Scientific Publications
      • Discounted article publication charges for accepted articles in JAHA, S:VIN, and AIMCC (the AHA’s Open Access journals that are freely accessible).
      • May select online and print AHA scientific journals for an additional cost.
    • Conferences and Education
      • Stroke OnDemand Extended Access may be purchased at a discount for access to selected programming for up to a year post-ISC conference
      • Savings on registration to AHA scientific meetings
    • Opportunities
      • Member-only research funding opportunities
      • Eligible for AHA council grants and awards
      • Access to the AHA Professional Volunteer Search tool
      • Networking with like-minded professionals
      • Access to Science News, our twice weekly digital communication
      • Quarterly digital AHA Connections newsletter
      • Access to the Job Resources Tool that allows members to apply for/post a position
  • WSO Benefits for individual members:
    • Free subscription and online access to the International Journal of Stroke (IJS)
    • Discount on the registration fee for future World Stroke Congresses
    • Receipt of the WSO newsletter
    • Right to apply for WSO travel fellowships and awards
    • Access to Webcasts/podcasts of congress sessions
    • Listing in and access to the WSO Membership Directory
    • Right to vote for, be nominated or elected to the Board of Directors
    • Membership certificate
    • Participation in WSO committee activities and projects
    • Access to Stroke Connector
    • Research projects endorsement
    • Right to apply for the WSO Future Leaders programme
  • Click here to join through AHA, select General Tier then Stroke Council and select the WSO Joint Membership option.