QCOR Council Committee Descriptions

Mission Statement

The Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research (QCOR) provides a forum for a multidisciplinary group of volunteers committed to making a substantial contribution to reducing the burden of heart disease and stroke through improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes.

Leadership Committee

Leadership Committee Commission (PDF)

  • Provide input into the AHA’s science positions pertaining to performance measures, quality of care, patient safety and outcomes research.
  • Promote and participate in the development of sessions, symposia, plenary lectures and other presentations for the AHA’s annual Scientific Sessions.
  • Propose freestanding scientific conferences.
  • Propose and develop scientific statements.
  • Recommend policy issues relating to the group’s given field of interest.   

QCOR Conference Program Committee

QCOR Conference Program Committee Commission (PDF)

  • The committee shall be responsible for overseeing the conference and be actively involved in crafting the scientific program, including:           
  • Review the structure and operating plan of the committee, including policies, procedures and assignment of responsibilities.
  • Develop and implement an annual written plan and budget.
  • Identify potential conference co-sponsors and work with staff to obtain financial and in-kind support for the conference.
  • Based on input from the Steering Committee and suggestions from Forum attendees, develop plans for the scientific and social programs of the Council’s annual forum, including invited sessions and speakers and pre-conference workshops.
  • Assign and monitor grading of abstracts submitted to the conference.
  • Evaluate the conference programs.
  • Review applicants for travel awards to be presented at the conference.

Membership/Communications Committee

Membership/Communications Committee Commission (PDF)

  • Develop and implement an annual written plan that will include strategies to enhance membership and increase the active involvement of members and maintain regular communication with members.
  • Increase the participation of current members by coordinating programs, activities and communications with council committees.
  • Provide direction and input to AHA staff to help identify potential candidate pools and generate ideas for recruiting members and active volunteers.
  • Identify and promote benefits of membership.
  • Evaluate the Council’s performance in retaining and communicating with members and make recommendations to the Leadership Committee as needed.
  • Promote communications and unity of purpose among the varied members of the Council.
  • Inform Council members about relevant legislative issues, important meetings and other developments of significance.
  • Promote use of the newsletter and Web page as aids to two-way communication between the Council’s leadership and members.
  • Gather and compile summaries, reports, articles and other information of interest to the Council’s membership from the Council chair, committee chairs and other sources.
  • Disseminate information regarding funding of research and educational activities in cerebrovascular disease and stroke.
  • Promote initiatives for improved funding of research, education and patient care.
  • Ensure content on the Web page is up to date and relevant to the Council members.
  • The committee will communicate important advocacy issues to the membership as needed.
  • The committee will encourage council members to participate in AHA advocacy efforts, including Lobby Day.

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee Commission (PDF)

  • Prepare and present to the Steering Committee nominations for Officers of the Leadership Committee.
  • Prepare and submit to the AHA Nominating/Awards Committee nominations for the following:
    AHA officers, board members, committees and awards.

CCSP Program Committee

CSSP Program Committee Commission (PDF)

Young Clinicians and Investigators Committee

Young Clinicians and Investigators Committee Commission (PDF)

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Want to get involved? 

The American Heart Association depends on the time and talent of volunteers to help us create a healthier world, free of heart disease and stroke.