Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Council Committee Descriptions
Mission Statement
The mission of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health is to promote the expansion and exchange of knowledge on nutrition, physical activity and metabolism related to CVD and Stroke, and to assist the AHA in promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviors, including diet and physical activity in the prevention of CVD and Stroke.
View full rosters for Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Council Committees
Leadership Committee
- Conduct the affairs of the Council in the intervals between regular meetings of the Council and carry out the objectives of the Council within the policies of the American Heart Association.
- Provide input into the AHA's science positions as they relate to the Council's given field of cardiovascular interest.
- Guide and direct the Council's programs.
- Anticipate and appraise areas of developing relevance to the Council's objectives and programs.
- Develop recommendations for needed activities in the areas of science, medicine and research interests, and subjects for conferences which the Council believes the Association should address over the next three-five years.
- Approve an annual budget for discretionary fund activities and oversee all expenditures.
Nutrition Committee
Be fully informed on new scientific developments and advances in knowledge concerning nutrition and/or diet as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke; synthesize the pertinent knowledge for the development of policy and position papers; scientific conferences proposals, and provide advisory and resource information in these areas for the AHA.
- Stimulate basic, clinical, and behavioral research in nutrition and cardiovascular disease, identifying areas of needed or expanded investigative effort and emphasis.
- Serve as a scientific resource and promote, in cooperation with the AHA Scientific Councils, Interdisciplinary Working Groups, and other AHA committees, appropriate and well-designed nutrition programs related to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke. This includes related risk factors (hypertension, lipids, obesity and diabetes).
Obesity Committee
- Be fully informed on new scientific developments and advances in knowledge concerning obesity as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
- Synthesize the pertinent knowledge for the development of policy and position papers; and provide advisory and resource information in these areas for the AHA.
- Stimulate basic, clinical, and behavioral research in obesity, identifying areas of needed or expanded investigative effort and emphasis.
- Interact with other Council Committees (Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Diabetes) in scientific and educational activities of common interest.
Physical Activity Committee
- Be fully informed on new scientific developments and advances in knowledge concerning physical activity as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
- Assist the AHA in establishing research priorities related to physical activity and cardiovascular disease and stroke.
- Develop new science advisories and guidelines, and revise/update existing advisories and guidelines.
- Develop education program content for scientific conferences and meetings.
- Support AHA efforts for implementing programs involving physical activity in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Diabetes Committee
- Be fully informed on new scientific developments and advances in knowledge concerning diabetes as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
- Synthesize the pertinent knowledge for the development of policy and position papers; and provide advisory and resource information in these areas for the AHA.
- Stimulate basic, clinical, and behavioral research in diabetes, identifying areas of needed or expanded investigative effort and emphasis.
- Interact with other Council Committees (Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity) in scientific and educational activities of common interest.
- Assist the AHA in establishing research priorities related to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
- Develop new science advisories and guidelines, and revise/update existing advisories and guidelines.
- Develop education program content for scientific conferences and meetings.
- Support AHA efforts for implementing programs involving diabetes in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
Membership/Communications Committee
- Develop and implement an annual written plan and budget for recruitment strategies.
- Promote new member and new fellow recruiting by the Leadership Committee members, including recommending recruiting goals, providing current recruiting materials, and modeling personal involvement.
- Consult with staff to identify potential candidate pools and generate ideas for recruiting activities (e.g. mailing campaigns, web page recruiting, and activities during conferences, one-on-one leadership recruiting efforts.)
- Identify and promote benefits of membership and fellowship.
- Review fellowship applications and make recommendations to the Leadership Committee.
- Evaluate the Council’s performance in retaining members and make recommendations to the Leadership Committee as needed.
- Continually improve and enhance the Council Newsletter and web site to meet the needs of the membership. One member will be assigned as the newsletter Editor.
- Working with AHA staff, edit and continually update the content of the Council web site.
Scientific Sessions Fall Program Committee
- Submit suggestions and develop the structured portions of the Scientific Sessions program (plenary sessions, Sunday morning programs, cardiovascular seminars and how-to sessions).
- Promote Council members’ participation in Scientific Sessions by encouraging members to submit suggestions for structured programs and abstracts, and communicating deadlines and procedures.
- Serve as facilitators during Scientific Sessions.
- Serve as reviewers for abstracts.

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