KCVD Message from the Chair
Thu H. Le, MD, FAHA
Welcome to the Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease (KCVD).
Our Council strives to prevent and reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality through advocacy for education and research on the role of the kidney in hypertension, heart, and vascular diseases. The whole of the AHA is committed to advocacy and research to improve cardiovascular health, and we participate in that goal through our involvement with the scientific councils. Chronic kidney disease is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death, but through the work of the AHA and this council, we can further promote awareness of the importance of the kidney in cardiovascular health and disease, support research on the origin of kidney-related cardiovascular disease, and support the career development of the next generation of diverse scientists who conduct basic, translational and clinical research to advance the treatment and care of patients with kidney and cardiovascular diseases.
The KCVD Council actively works to support research into the causes of kidney-related cardiovascular disease and develop translational approaches to enhance patient care and disease prevention. This Council is deeply committed to developing the next generation of renal scientists through training, advocacy, and, most importantly, diversity and inclusion. We strive to maintain a representative balance in our committees based on MD vs. PhDs, academia vs. private practice, junior and senior members, sex, race/ethnicity, etc. International membership is also critical, and citizens of any country are welcome to participate and contribute to various activities of the KCVD Council.
I am honored to serve as Council Chair. I was drawn to the field of Nephrology because the kidney is a complex organ that plays an essential role in regulating blood pressure, fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance, erythropoiesis, and mineral and bone health. As a practitioner in this field, I have the privilege of establishing a long-term relationship with my patients. I am eager to use my 20+ years in the field, plus the partnership with Immediate past chair Dr. Janani Rangaswami, the council leaders, and all the council members to increase council membership, FAHA election for KCVD members, and funding for KCVD-sponsored activities and events to strengthen the collaboration between cardiology and nephrology.
We appreciate your membership in the Council, your volunteer time, and your dedication to our Council and the American Heart Association.
Best Wishes,
Thu H. Le, MD, FAHA
Chair, Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease

Hypertension Scientific Sessions
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