Council Hypertension Trainee Advocacy Resources

Cam Mccarthy, PhD
Chair, Term 1, Ends 6/30/2025Chair Elect

Monica Santisteban, PhD
Chair Elect, Term 1, Ends 6/30/2025Immediate Past Chair

Brandi Wynne, PhD MS
Immediate Past Chair, Term 1, Ends 6/30/2025Members

Sachin Aryal BS MS
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2026
Candee Barris BS
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2026
Mona Elgazzaz MD MSc PhD
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2026
Jessica Faulkner BS PhD
Term 2, Ends 6/30/2025
Daria Golosova MD PhD
Term 2, Ends 6/30/2025
Jeanne Ishimwe PhD
Term 2, Ends 6/30/2025
Natalia Mathieu BS PhD
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2025
Benard Ogola BS PhD
Term 2, Ends 6/30/2025
Javier Rendon DVM
Term 2, Ends 6/30/2025
Dallin Tavoian PhD
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2025
Emma Wabel BA BS
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2025Staff

Angela Bynum
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2026
Denis Levy
Term 1, Ends 6/30/2026Trainee Advocacy Committee Commission
To involve trainees / postdoctoral students / recently trained individuals in Council on Hypertension activities. To expand the diversity of the council. To identify early career council members from diverse backgrounds to participate in other Council committees.
Number of Members
The Committee shall be comprised of one or more advisors, including the Immediate Past Chair of the Council, and up to 9 members, one of whom will be Chair. The other advisor will be an active senior participant in the Council on Hypertension. The Chair will be selected by Council leadership.
Reports to
Council Chair and Leadership Committee
Method of Appointment
Members shall be chosen using an application process, facilitated by a small task force from the Leadership committee. The finalists of the previous year’s Young Investigator Award competition will be considered.
Term of Office
Members shall serve two-year terms beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Terms shall be staggered for continuity.
Frequency of Meetings
The Committee shall meet via teleconference 1-2 times per year. The time commitment will vary, but should not exceed an average of 1-3 hours per month. Special projects may require additional time.
Benefits of Participation
Become familiar with AHA Leadership structure and activities of the Council at an early career stage Develop a credential for career advancement Network with peers.
Staffed by
AHA Science & Medicine Advisor and AHA Council Manager
Chairperson's Responsibilities
- Attend Leadership Committee meetings and present Committee report at Spring and Fall Conference meetings
- Oversee committee
- Work with AHA staff to set meeting dates and times
- Lead discussions at meetings and monitor activities
- Review minutes of Committee meetings
- Work with Committee and AHA staff to develop an annual plan and budget and to oversee projects
- Assign responsibilities as needed
- Assist in selection of committee members
Committee Responsibilities
- Serve on other AHA Council on Hypertension Committees
- Liaison as needed to other AHA Councils' committees
- Pursue activities that benefit early career persons at various levels. Examples:
- Develop a website within the main council page devoted to trainee issues
- Mentoring trainees
- Create a reading list of seminal papers of interest to trainees
- Early career development support
Council on Hypertension Awards
The Council on Hypertension makes a number of awards available to early career researchers, including the Young Investigator Award, presented annually at AHA scientific session, as well as a number of travel awards to attend scientific sessions.
AHA Early Career Development
We know you want the best career resources. Our Early Career Professional Membership and mentoring programs give you top-notch tools to maximize your growth as a young professional. Our goal is for all Early Career Members to play a crucial role in our prestigious organization. We give you opportunities to meet and dialogue about specialty and career issues with other Early Career Members and more senior professionals across the globe.
Useful Reading
Funding Resources
- American Heart Association Research Programs
- Undergraduate Summer Fellowships
- Pre-doctoral Fellowships
- Post-doctoral Fellowships
- Scientist Development Grant
- Beginning Grant-in-Aid
- Fellow to Faculty Transition
Mark Your Calendars for Hypertension 2025
September 4–7, 2025Marriott Baltimore Waterfront | Baltimore, Maryland
Scientific Sessions 2025
November 7–10, 2025Ernest N. Morial Convention Center | New Orleans, Louisiana
Science Social Media
- AHA Science
- Circulation
- Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
- Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine
- Circulation: Heart Failure
- Circulation Research
- Hypertension
- Stroke