Genomic and Precision Medicine Early Career Committee
The Genomic and Precision Medicine (GPM) Early Career Committee aims to foster the development of trainees and early career professionals in the field of genomic and precision medicine, including research scientists and clinicians. Our goal is to promote and encourage trainees and early career individuals to participate in council activities and to provide information to those members of our council.
Early Career Committee Members
Members of the GPM Early Career Committee play an integral role in furthering the mission of the GPM Council by planning early career sessions, developing a mentoring program and fostering collaboration.
Current Committee Members
View a full listing of the GPM Committees
Early Career Committee Commission
- Introduce trainees and early career professionals to the mission of the GPM Council and AHA
- Foster early career development in the field of cardiovascular genomics
- Expand the diversity of the GPM council
- Identify early career GPM members to participate in other Council committees
Number of Members
The Committee shall be comprised of one or more advisors, including the Immediate Past Chair of the Council and an active senior participant in the GPM Council., and up to 9 members, one of whom will be Chair. The Chair will be selected by Council leadership.
Reports to
Council Chair and Leadership Committee
Method of Appointment
Members shall be chosen using an application process, facilitated by the Early Career committee. The finalists of the previous year’s Young Investigator Award competition will be invited to apply.
Term of Office
Members shall serve two-year terms beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Appointment will be renewable for a second term contingent on approval by the Committee’s Chair. Terms shall be staggered for continuity.
Frequency of Meetings
The Committee shall meet via teleconference 1 time per month. The time commitment will vary, but should not exceed an average of 1-3 hours per month. Special projects may require additional time. The committee shall also meet face-to-face during Scientific Sessions.
Benefits of Participation
Become familiar with AHA Leadership structure and activities of the Council at an early career stage. Develop a credential for career advancement. Network with peers.
Staffed by
AHA Science & Medicine Advisor and AHA Council Manager
Chairperson’s Responsibilities
- Attend Leadership Committee meetings and present Committee report at Spring and Fall Leadership meetings.
- Oversee committee.
- Work with AHA staff to set meeting dates and times.
- Lead discussions at meetings and monitor activities.
- Review minutes of Committee meetings.
- Work with Committee and AHA staff to develop an annual plan and budget and to oversee projects.
- Assign responsibilities as needed.
- Assist in selection of committee members
Committee Responsibilities
- Serve on other AHA GPM Council Committees
- Liaison as needed to other AHA Councils’ committees
- Pursue activities that benefit early career persons at various levels. Examples:
- Develop a website within the main council page devoted to trainee issues
- Develop and manage Mentoring Program
- Create a reading list of seminal papers of interest to trainees
- Generate the list of Top 10 Research Advances
- Produce News Roundups
- Develop Early Career Programming for Early Career Day during Scientific Sessions
- Early career development support
- File a written report on the Committee's activities at least 3 weeks prior to each Leadership Committee meeting
GPM Awards
The GPM Council makes a number of awards available to early career researchers, including the Young Investigator Award, presented annually at AHA scientific session, as well as a number of travel awards to attend scientific sessions.
Career Development
In 2013 the GPM Early Career Committee (ECC) launched an online education initiative, aiming to provide online learning resources on GPM topics.
A sampling of the available topics are listed below.
Useful Tools and Resources | Useful Reading |
Mentoring Program
The GPM Mentoring Program focuses on reaching out to Early Career healthcare professionals who are members of the GPM Council. The GPM Council is committed to advancing the careers of all early career scientists, and encourages applications from women and members of minority groups underrepresented in the sciences.
Visit the Mentoring for Professionals page for full program details and sign up today.
Funding Resources
AHA Research Programs | Other Funding Opportunities |
McCormick Place Convention Center | Chicago, Illinois

Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine
Marriott Baltimore Waterfront | Baltimore, Maryland

Want to get involved?
GPM Early Career Committee Membership
We encourage and accept applications from early career professionals. Early Career Professionals are defined as Investigators, Clinicians, or Healthcare Providers who have completed training within the last four years and MDs or PhDs in the first 4 years after their first faculty appointment.
Examples of Early Career Committee activities:
- Run flipped classroom omics sessions at AHA Scientific Sessions, AHA Subspecialty Conferences, and partner meetings
- Collaborate with the Publications Committee on producing content and becoming involved in the council’s journal, Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine
- Increase Early Career social media engagement
- Organize and participate in networking events related to omics
- Develop Early Career Programming for Early Career Day during Scientific Sessions.
How to Apply
Please submit your application below and attach the following:
- Personal letter
- Letter of Recommendation
- CV
Please note that active member status in the American Heart Association is required of all committee members.
The next submission period will be announced soon