CVSA Message from the Chair
Linda Shore-Lesserson, MD, FAHA
As a cardiovascular anesthesiologist, it is an incredible privilege to serve as Chair of the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia (CVSA) as the AHA turns 100 years in 2024. Our council is a blended family of physicians and clinicians who serve cardiovascular patients undergoing surgery and interventional procedures. Our membership derives from cardiovascular surgeons, cardiac anesthesiologists, perfusionists, and other professionals involved in periprocedural patient management. Cardiac surgery for ischemic heart disease is finding new and challenging applications in patients with advanced disease, and our surgical and anesthesiologic teams are also involved in structural heart repairs, one of the newest and fastest-growing areas of cardiac repair. Our council is committed to providing education, supporting research, especially at the young investigator level, and enhancing the clinical care of patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery and interventions.
Our council may be relatively small in number, but we are powerful in voice. With our ardent support of the Strategic Plan of AHA, and the Council Operations Committee's Each One, Reach One campaign, we seek to extend our reach to those potential AHA members who are involved in periprocedural cardiovascular care. Each year we reach out further and increase career advancement, sponsorship, and funding opportunities. We offer multidisciplinary scientific panels at Scientific Sessions with dynamic interaction and complex case discussions. Early career mentorship is a recent focus, and we have increased the number of young investigator prizes that we will award each year. Also the Vivien Thomas young investigator award for research remains a highly coveted and prestigious prize, awarded each year at Scientific Sessions.
We have had a banner few years in writing scientific statements and contributing to guidelines. So many of the hot topics and latest Guideline topics have been curated and developed initially at the level of the CVSA Education and Publications Committee. We have published Scientific Statements on management of acute pulmonary embolism, ischemic complications after coronary surgery, clinical trials in cardiovascular surgery, chronic aortic dissection, and management of the parturient with advanced cardiac disease.
We hope you will join the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia in our efforts to positively impact the care of patients requiring cardiac and vascular procedures. We welcome your collaboration and partnership in this expanding clinical space, so that we can advance cardiac health through scientific inquiry, education, and patient engagement. Personally, I encourage all cardiovascular surgeons, anesthesiologists, perfusionists, nurses, technologists, and others caring for periprocedural patients to get actively involved with CVSA. The AHA represents a critical interface between basic science and clinical practice, driving clinical innovations through scientific inquiry. Make sure that you take advantage of all that AHA and CVSA have to offer. If you are interested in learning more about the CVSA Council and how you can get involved, please fill out and submit a Science Volunteer Involvement Form.
Whether you participate locally in your AHA activities, contribute to “You’re the Cure” or other AHA advocacy efforts, or join our CVSA council at Scientific Sessions, you are sure to find a stimulating and rewarding experience.
Linda Shore-Lesserson, MD, FAHA
Chair, Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia (CVSA)

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers