CVRI Message from the Chair
Laura Findeiss, MD, MHA, FAHA
The Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention (CVRI) is passionate about its role in supporting the goal of the AHA to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Each Council has its part to play, and CVRI recognizes how significant advances in cardiovascular radiology and intervention can be leveraged to accomplish these lofty goals. I have been blessed to be part of a CVRI leadership team that embraces and pursues these goals with creativity, collaboration, and great energy.
As Council Chair, I’m eager to explore how we can bring the revolution in better care afforded by radiology to everyone. Though we see tremendous advances in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology making meaningful differences in some lives, not enough of the population is benefiting from modern standards of care. We can and should do better. While we focus on continuing to push scientific advances in cardiovascular radiology and interventions, looking out to the horizon to understand how we can advocate for policy change to improve healthcare access and equity is an important priority for me. I look forward to engaging with other councils' leadership to explore collaborative advocacy and policy development opportunities.
CVRI provides cardiovascular diagnostic and interventional radiologists and others interested in radiology with a community of like-minded individuals. We maintain a focus unique in radiology: cardiovascular disease, including its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, emphasizing interspecialty and interprofessional collaboration to improve population health. The platform of the AHA allows us to raise our voices in meaningful advocacy and community engagement, driving system improvement to help patients.
My own engagement with AHA has been one of the most rewarding professional experiences in my career. Beyond feeling connected to the mission and gratified as a volunteer helping to drive the mission of AHA, the relationships I’ve built have created professional growth and personal connections that reinforce why I became a physician. Being a Professional Member provides a pipeline to outstanding research, emerging science, and education. It offers invaluable opportunities for networking and mentorship. I cannot say enough about the benefits of Professional Membership. I hope you will consider joining or renewing today and choosing CVRI as your council of record.
Laura Findeiss, MD, MHA, FAHA
Chair, Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention (CVRI)

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers
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