CLCD Message from the Chair
The Council on Clinical Cardiology (CLCD) serves as the home for healthcare professionals across multiple subspecialties who support the mission of the American Heart Association (AHA). The CLCD works to promote excellence in care delivery, advance science in a variety of clinical areas, and foster professional development and education. As the incoming Chair, it is a true honor to help the CLCD evolve and grow in the coming years as we define our new post-pandemic normal.
CLCD is the third-largest AHA council, bringing together a diverse group of cardiovascular specialists. Its committees seek to organize this clinical diversity. Committees include the clinical areas of Acute Cardiac Care and General Cardiology, Cardiac Rehab and Secondary Prevention, Clinical Pharmacology, Electrophysiology, Heart Failure/Transplant, and Interventional. Joint clinical committees include Adult Congenital, Cardio-Oncology, Cardiac Imaging, Cardiovascular Disease in Older Populations, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke in Women and Underrepresented Populations, and Data Science and Precision Medicine. Additional committees around operations and professional development include Fellows-in-Training and Early Career, Leadership, Membership, Nominations, Laennec Post-Graduate Education, Sam Levine Young Investigators, and Women in Cardiology. Going forward, it is my hope that we can double down on the committee structure to foster even greater communication and engagement among our clinical cardiology colleagues. There is something for nearly everyone – sign up, reach out, and get involved!
Central to the CLCD mission is the creation of scientific statements and participation in clinical practice guideline writing groups by committee members. Recent statements from CLCD include “Interpreting Incidentally Identified Variants in Genes Associated With Heritable Cardiovascular Disease”, “Supervised Exercise Training for Chronic Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction”, and “Atrial Fibrillation Occurring During Acute Hospitalization.” We have a number of statements in the works and encourage you to feed the pipeline by proposing your great ideas through your CLCD committee.
CLCD also continues to drive clinical cardiology content at Scientific Sessions. Many of our council members participate in program planning, linking the work of the CLCD committees with the programming at Sessions. I encourage you to make your travel plans for this year's Sessions. Put the CLCD annual dinner on your calendar, where we will honor and celebrate those who have made major contributions to clinical cardiology, including the annual Herrick Award. After a 3-year hold due to the pandemic, you can also engage in the CLCD High School Outreach Program during Sessions. Then, riding the energy of this year's event, contribute to Session programming development for next year – there is no surer way to secure direct participation in the event than to develop Sessions suggestions yourself.
CLCD is fundamentally a reflection of its amazing members. In the coming couple of years, I see CLCD advancing the science, education, and practice of clinical cardiology based on the experience, values, and contributions of its membership. This will be accomplished by activities big and small, by members from all walks of cardiac care. Highlighting the value of CLCD membership through the community and win-wins created by participation must be front and center. That will drive a positive cycle of member engagement, committee action, and the successful production of scientific statements, guidelines, and conferences that improve cardiology care and promote heart health for all people. Join us!
Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS, FAHA
Chair, Council on Clinical Cardiology (CLCD)

Want to get involved?
Scientific Sessions
Scientific Sessions: November 16–18, 2024
McCormick Place Convention Center | Chicago, Illinois