Member Benefits
American Heart Association membership offers you these opportunities – and more!

Premium Professional Plus, Premium Professional, Early Career, and Student/Trainee members:
- Enjoy online, full-text access to all 14 AHA scientific journals, save on print subscriptions, and access CME credits through the AHA Journals CME program
- Earn and track CME credits through the AHA Journals CME Program
General Professional members:
- Full view of AHA’s Open Access journals

All members:
- Take complimentary and/or discounted courses through the Lifelong Learning Center
- Member discounts for Scientific Sessions OnDemand 2023 and Stroke OnDemand 2024.
- Read AHA’s Science News and digital AHA Connections newsletter
- Participate in learning opportunities through our 7 AHA Scientific Meetings.
- Members may register at a discounted rate for all meetings.
- Members receive 50% off the abstract submission fee for Scientific Sessions, allowing them to present to and receive feedback from key thought leaders in the health community.

Premium Professional and Premium Professional Plus members:
- Affiliate with two of our 16 Scientific Councils and add a third for an additional $65/year
Student/Trainee and Early Career members:
- Affiliate with one council and add a second affiliation for an additional $55/year

General Professional members:
- Affiliate with one council
All members:
- Receive exclusive invitations to networking events with thought leaders from around the world
- Professional Volunteer Search Tool allows you to find or be found by AHA members for a variety of connection opportunities.

Premium Professional and Premium Professional Plus members:
- Enjoy priority registration and housing for Scientific Sessions

All members:
- Share your expertise on scientific committees, as a journal peer reviewer, and in the writing of AHA medical guidelines and scientific statements
- Save on publication charges for accepted articles in JAHA (the AHA’s open access journal)
- Apply for scholarships and travel grants to AHA scientific meetings
- Be a science voice through AHA-led advocacy projects that improve health outcomes for global populations

Premium Professional and Premium Professional Plus members:
- Be a mentor or a leader in advancing the AHA mission
- Become a Fellow of the American Heart Association
- Achieve Golden and Silver Heart recognition for membership longevity
Student/Trainee and Early Career members:
- Find a mentor or take part in other career development opportunities
- Participate in our Scientific Councils’ early career committees

All members:
- Access to apply for research funding
- Leadership opportunities at all levels and career stages