Engagement 365: Member Spotlight

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD

Director, Penn Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE)

Mark V. Pauly President’s Distinguished Professor, Perelman School of Medicine and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Scientific Lead, American Heart Association Health Care by Food (HCXF) Initiative

Dr. Kevin Volpp posing with his family

One of the things that has struck me most in working with AHA is that AHA volunteers and staff have an incredibly strong sense of mission – many of us have had personal experience with loved ones and cardiovascular disease and that is a really strong motivator. I never cease to be amazed by the passion for making a difference of the people I meet working with AHA

AHA has so many strengths as a nonpartisan organization dedicated to improving health for all Americans – it has been energizing to have the opportunity to be part of a number of really amazing teams

I have greatly enjoyed having the opportunity to be the Science Lead for AHA’s Health Care by Food Initiative – for too long the health system has underappreciated the importance of diet to health; building stronger evidence on what types of programs are effective and cost effective for different populations can change that

In July of 2021 I had a sudden cardiac arrest – were it not for the prompt actions of heroic first responders including my daughters coaches John and Gina and the paramedics from Norwood (Cincinnati) and the excellent care I received at the University of Cincinnati I wouldn’t be here today. I am grateful for the work that paramedics and other clinicians and researchers do every day and for the support of organizations like AHA that makes ongoing progress in preventing and treating cardiovascular disease possible. This experience motivates me every day to try to make a difference to improve the lives of others.

Family: I have a wonderful wife, Marjorie, and 3 amazing daughters – Anna, Thea, and Daphne.  When I think of them I smile.