CVSN Stroke Nursing Symposium Travel Grant
Sponsored by the Council on Cardiovascular Stroke Nursing and the Council on Stroke
Award submissions for the AHA/ASA State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium are now closed. Applications will reopen in the fall of 2025.
The CVSN Stroke Nursing Committee is offering up to four $1,000 travel grants. The $1,000 grants are expected to support registration, travel and hotel for the AHA/ASA State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium. Awardees are encouraged to register for and attend the International Stroke Conference as well, but registration for the ISC is separate and not included as a complimentary item.
Eligibility Criteria
- All applicants for the Travel Grant must be members of the AHA/ASA with affiliation to the CVSN Council at the time of application. If you need to become an AHA/ASA Professional Member, you should do so no later than one week prior to the award submission deadline for your membership to be processed in time. Learn more about becoming an AHA Professional Member.
- Each applicant for AHA/ASA council-sponsored awards, regardless of award category, is eligible to receive only one council-sponsored award per AHA/ASA conference per year. Applicants must represent nursing, by meeting the following criteria: (1) applicant must be a full-time employee as a registered nurse or nurse practitioner or a graduate nursing student, as noted in the application form and confirmed in the letter of recommendation, and (2) if a full-time employee, applicant must be involved in the care of patients related to stroke or conduct research related to stroke.
- Applicants must represent nursing, by meeting the following criteria: (1) applicant must be a full-time employee as a registered nurse or nurse practitioner, as noted in the application form and confirmed in the letter of recommendation, and (2) applicant must be involved in the care of patients related to stroke or conduct research related to stroke.
- Applicants must submit an application packet by the award deadline that includes the following three items: (1) application form, (2) Current Curriculum Vitae (CV), and (3) one letter of recommendation from a supervisor, colleague, or AHA member addressing the applicant commitment to providing quality nursing care to patients with stroke.
- Notwithstanding the above, the AHA/ASA Officers have the discretion to determine eligibility for the award in extraordinary circumstances when there is an issue relating to AHA/ASA policy or positions or other potentially controversial issue relating to the positioning or perception of the AHA/ASA.
- Each applicant will be evaluated on their commitment to providing quality nursing care to patients with stroke as evidenced by information in their personal statement, CV and letter of recommendation.
- *Grant type: There are four (4) travel grants available. Grant 1 is targeted for first time attendees to the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium. Grant 2 is targeted for international applicants. The candidate must not be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and the candidate must currently be working outside the United States. Grant 3 is targeted for early career applicants. Early career applicants are nurses in their first 5 years of either nursing, research, or care of patients with stroke. Grant 4 targets Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Groups. The candidate for Grant 4 must be from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National Science Foundation to be underrepresented in health-related sciences on a national basis: This includes American Indians (including Alaskan Natives, Eskimos, and Aleutians), Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders, Blacks or African Americans and Hispanics or Latinos. Other candidates considered underrepresented racial and ethnic groups are those from medically underserved populations with low socio-economic status and those living in rural areas to include whites. When completing your application please indicate which grant you are applying for.
- Winners are not eligible to re-enter the competition in subsequent years.
- Winners must attend the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium in person to receive the monetary award.
How to Apply/Document Requirements
Your application file should contain the following documents in electronic format (preferably PDF):
Electronic submission through the Council Awards Application System is required. Hard copies of any part of the nomination cannot be accepted. Please follow instructions for ProposalCentral, the NEW Council Awards platform.
- Completed application form
- Updated CV containing at least the following elements (if applicable): (1) education, (2) employment history, (3) awards/citations, (4) presentations or lectures, (5) publications/articles/book chapters.
- One letter of reference (maximum length 1 page) on appropriate letterhead with signature, identifying which grant type* the applicant is applying for and including at least: (1) verification that applicant is a full-time RN (2) relationship of referent to the applicant, (3) referent’s opinion as to the potential of the applicant to make an impact in future work surrounding care of patients related to stroke, and (4) referent’s knowledge of prior accomplishments of applicant in the domain of stroke. No additional references are required.
- State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium first time attendee
- International applicant
- Nurses in their first 5 years of either nursing, research, or care of patients with stroke
- Underrepresented racial and ethnic (UREG) early career investigators and students as identified in the standard NIH definition
Visit the Council Awards Application System for full award details and to obtain the application form. AHA Membership is required of all applicants for this award. If you are joining the AHA to apply, please wait for your AHA membership number to arrive from AHA Member Services via e-mail before creating an online profile and starting your application file.
Evaluation Criteria
The application will be judged by a panel of AHA/ASA volunteers from the CVSN Stroke Committee. Criteria includes:- Demonstrated commitment and interest in the care of patients related to stroke.
- Applicant’s potential to make an impact in the care of patients.
- Applicant’s record of accomplishments, as evidenced in CV by length and type of service, awards, etc.
The winners will each receive a $1,000 travel grant to attend the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium. Awardees must attend the conference in person to receive the monetary award.
Up to four (4) candidates from the pool of eligible applicants may be awarded. Winners will be notified by October.
- Join or renew as an AHA Professional Member
- Submit your application in the Council Awards Application System
- Instructions for ProposalCentral, Council Awards platform
- Council Awards Application System (ProposalCentral) Help Desk: [email protected]
- Council Awards: [email protected]
- Member Services: [email protected]
- Password/Login: [email protected]
- Abstract Submission: [email protected]

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers
Pre-Cons and Stroke Nursing Symposia: February 4, 2025
Sessions: February 5–7, 2025
Los Angeles Convention Center | Los Angeles, California