Robert Levy Memorial Lecture
Sponsored by the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health
The lectureship was established in 2001 in memory of your esteemed colleague and AHA volunteer, Dr. Robert I. Levy. Dr. Levy graduated with highest honors from Cornell University and cum laude from Yale University School of Medicine. His distinguished career is highlighted by numerous prominent appointments, such as, Director of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Vice President for Health Sciences at Tufts University, Vice President for Health Sciences at Columbia University, President of Sandoz Research Institute and President of Wyeth-Ayerst Research. His connection to the American Heart Association dates back to the early 1970s as a member of the Executive Committee of the AHA Council on Basic Science and extends to the mid-1990s as Chairman of the AHA Pharmaceutical Roundtable.
Current members of the LCH Leadership Committee and the LCH Nominating Committee are not eligible to be nominated for the award.
Award Recipients
2023 Vasan Ramachandran, MD, FAHA
2022 William Virgil Brown, MD
“Changing the Future of Heart Disease”
2021 Penny M. Kris-Etherton, PhD, FAHA
"The Virtues of a Healthy Lifestyle on Lipids, Lipoproteins and CVD"
2020 Neil J. Stone MD, FAHA
"The Clinician-Patient Risk Discussion: Personalizing Metabolic & Atherosclerotic Risk for Patients"
2019 Frank M. Sacks, MD, FAHA
"New human biology of HDL: connecting epidemiology and metabolism"
2018 Daniel J. Rader, MD, FAHA
"Genomic Medicine Meets Public Health in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease"
2017 Marja-Riitta Taskinen, MD, PhD
"Can Fatty Liver Cause a Broken Heart"
2016 Sekar Kathiresan, MD, FAHA
"Genetic Risk, Adherence To A Healthy Lifestyle, And Risk For Coronary Artery Disease"
2015 Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, FAHA
"Trans Fatty Acids: Falling Down the Rabbit Hole"
2014 Johannes J. P. Kastelein MD, PhD
"Familial Hypercholesterolemia – the journey from a lethal disorder to a manageable dyslipidemia"
2013 Henry Ginsberg MD, FAHA
"Regulation of Plasma Lipoprotein Levels in Humans: New Insights Using Methods Pioneered by Bob Levy"
2012 H. Bryan Brewer, Jr, MD
"HDL: A Novel Target or a Marker to Reducing Cardiovascular Risk"
2011 Allan R. Tall, MD, FAHA
"HDL and ABC Transporters Reduce the Proliferation of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells, with Anti-atherogenic Consequences"
2010 B. Gregory Brown, MD, PhD, FAHA
"Measurement of Coronary Obstruction, Its Progression and Its Reversal"
2009 Jonathan Cohen, PhD
"LDL and Atherosclerosis: What Simple Genetics tell us about a Complex Disease"
2008 Robert Eckel, MD, FAHA
"Tissue Specific Regulation of Lipoprotein Lipase and Energy Balance: The Story Gets Even More Interesting"
2007 Ira Goldberg, MD, FAHA
"Triglyceride: Nutrient and Toxin"
2006 Steven Blair, PhD
"Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases"
2005 Barbara Howard, PhD, FAHA
"Diabetes, Inflammation and CVD – A Tale of Two Populations"
2004 Ronald M. Krauss, MD
"Genetic and Dietary Probes of Atherogenic Lipoprotein Metabolism"
2003 Scott Grundy, MD, PhD, FAHA
"Benefit Beyond LDL Lowering: The Metabolic Syndrome as a Target for Clinical Intervention"
2002 Jan L. Breslow, MD, FAHA
"Genomic Approaches to Atherosclerosis Susceptibility"
2001 Antonio M. Gotto, Jr., MD, DPhil
"A 21st Century Perspective on Lipid Metabolism: Where have we been? Where are we going?"
The honoree will receive:
- Complimentary registration to Scientific Sessions
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the EPI Lifestyle Joint Council Dinner
- An engraved plaque
- A $1,000 honorarium and reimbursement for eligible travel expenses up to $1,000
- Join or renew as an AHA Professional Member
- Submit your application in the Council Awards Application System
- Instructions for ProposalCentral, Council Awards platform
- Council Awards Application System (ProposalCentral) Help Desk: [email protected]
- Council Awards: [email protected]
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- Abstract Submission: [email protected]