Charles T. Dotter Memorial Lecture
Sponsored by the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention
The Dotter Memorial Lecture was established in 1987 by the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology (now the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention) to honor Dr. Dotter, who contributed significantly to the evaluation of cardiovascular angiography and pioneered the development of angioplasty and other interventional cardiovascular procedures. The first lecture was presented in 1987.
The Dotter Lecture is presented annually at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions. Honorees are selected by the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention leadership and are invited to present a lecture on a topic of their choice.
Current members of the CVRI Leadership Committee and the CVRI Nominating Committee are not eligible to be nominated for the award.
Award Recipients
2023 Constantino S. Pena, MD, FAHA, FSIR, FSCCT
2022 Karen G. Ordovas, MD, FAHA, FNASCI, FSCMR
“Heart Disease in Women: Advances in Imaging with CMR”
2021 Suresh Vedantham, MD
"Rediscovering Innovation and the Big Tent to Transform Venous Patient Care"
2020 Vincent B. Ho, MD, MBA, FAHA
"Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA): Past, Present and... Future?"
2019 Ziv J. Haskal MD, FAHA
"Vein Vedi Vici –Maybe?"
2018 Leon Axel, MD, PhD, FAHA
"MRI as a Window into Cardiac Function"
2017 Anthony C. Venbrux, MD, FAHA
"Venous Imaging and Complex Venous Interventions"
2016 Pamela Woodard, MD, FAHA
"Precision Plaque Imaging: Are We There Yet?"
2015 Alan H. Matsumoto, MD, FACR, FSIR, FAHA
"Theranostics and Precision Medicine: What would Dotter think? Community."
2014 Joao A.C Lima, MD
"Addressing Ischemic Heart Disease as the Number One Cause of Disease Burden Worldwide: A Call for Action from the Cardiovascular Imaging Community"
2013 Antoinette Gomes, MD, FAHA
"Future Directions in Vascular and Interventional Radiology"
2012 William Brody, MD, PhD, FAHA
"Cardiovascular Imaging: What Can The Future Learn From The Past?"
2011 Elias A. Zerhouni, MD, FAHA
"Fundamental Trends in Imaging: What Future?"
2010 John Kaufman, MD, FAHA
"Endograft Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: The Premise, the Promise, the Data"
2009 Sanjiv Gambhir, MD, PhD
"Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging of Gene and Cell Therapies"
2008 Geoffrey Rubin, MD
"More Surprises from the Healthy Donut"
2007 Thomas Sos, MD, FAHA
"Renal Artery Stenosis and Cardiovascular Risks--The New Paradigms in Diagnosis and Treatment"
2006 Richard White, MD, FAHA
"Cardiac Surgery: Pre- & Post-Operative Insights from MR and CT"
2005 Randall Higashida, MD, FAHA
"Recent Advances in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Imaging and Therapy"
2004 Lewis Wexler, MD, FAHA
"The Past, Present, and Future of Non-Invasive Imaging for Coronary Artery Disease"
2003 Michael A. Bettmann, MD, FAHA
"Contrast Nephropathy"
2002 Roderic Pettigrew, MD
"Perspectives on the Future of Cardiovascular Imaging"
2001 Hans Newton, MD (cancelled)/Frederick Keller, MD (replacement)
2000 William Stanford, MD
"Imaging of Coronary Artery Disease: Great Expectations"
1999 Michael D. Dake, MD
"The Challenge of Aortic Dissection: New Insights into a Formidable Disease"
1998 Herbert L. Abrams, MD
"Cardiovascular Imaging: Past, Present and Future"
1997 Stanley Baum, MD
"Non-Invasive Vascular Imaging"
1996 Julius H. Grollman, MD
"The Evolution of Pulmonary Angiography for Thromboembolic Disease - from Nonselective to Nonselective"
1995 Kenneth E. Fellows, MD
Pediatric Cardiologists and Radiologists, "Close Encounters of the Best Kind"
1994 Julio C. Palmaz, MD
"Biocompatibility is the Critical Issue in Research and Development of Intravascular Stents"
1993 Sven J. Paulin, MD, PhD
"Coronary Angiography: Past, Present and Future"
1992 David C. Levin, MD
"Angiographic Assessment of Stenosis Morphology - Is this a New Way to Look at Coronary Arteriograms?"
1991 Charles Higgins, MD
"Evaluation of Cardiovascular Function Using MRI"
1990 Eric C. Martin, MD
Angioplasty for Peripheral Vascular Disease: Implications for the Future"
1989 Josef Rosch, MD
"Expandable Metallic Stents: One of the Legacies of Charles T. Dotter"
1988 Barry T. Katzen, MD
"Current Status of Peripheral PTA: The Role of New Devices"
1987 William J. Cassarella, MD
"The Transluminal Approach to Vascular Therapeutics"
The honoree will receive:
- Complimentary registration to Scientific Sessions
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the CVRI Council Dinner
- An engraved plaque
- A $1,000 honorarium and reimbursement for eligible travel expenses up to $1,000
- Join or renew as an AHA Professional Member
- Submit your application in the Council Awards Application System
- Instructions for ProposalCentral, Council Awards platform
- Council Awards Application System (ProposalCentral) Help Desk: [email protected]
- Council Awards: [email protected]
- Member Services: [email protected]
- Abstract Submitter Password/Login: [email protected]
- Abstract Submission: [email protected]

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