Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Early Career Investigator Award

Sponsored by the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health

Award submission for Scientific Sessions will reopen in spring 2025.

The Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Early Career Investigator Award recognizes and awards early career investigator and trainee council members for their achievements and their continuing research. The award also encourages young scientists to become involved in the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health and to develop and maintain productive careers.

Finalists will be honored and a winner will be selected at the AHA Scientific Sessions in November.

Award Recipients

  • 2024 Libor Pastika, MBChB, MSc, BSc
    2023 Amrit Chowdhary, MBBS, MSc, MRCP, PhD
  • 2022 Nour Makarem, PhD
  • 2021 Evangelos K. Oikonomou
  • 2020 Anurag Mehta
  • 2019 Gaurav Gulsin
  • 2018 Victor Wenze Zhong
  • 2017 Covassin Naima

Eligibility Criteria

Evaluation Criteria

Panels of distinguished researchers, scientists, clinicians, and academicians representing the breadth of cardiovascular disease and stroke will judge applications. Applications will be judged on the:

  • Scientific merit of the abstract
  • Quality and originality of the manuscript
  • Letter from the candidate's sponsor and any other reference letters.
  • Oral abstract presentation at Scientific Sessions (finalists only.) The finalist must be the presenter of his/her submission, and no alternates or proxy will be allowed.

How to Apply/Required Documents

Electronic submission through the Council Awards Application System is required. Hard copies of any part of the nomination cannot be accepted.

Your application file should contain the following documents in electronic format:

  1. AHA abstract in accordance with AHA rules and regulations for submitting abstracts to Scientific Sessions. Please note that this abstract must first be submitted through the AHA's Scientific Sessions website before the abstract submission deadline. Visit Scientific Sessions to submit your abstract before submission of this award application. The abstract control number assigned to you will be needed on this award application form.
  2. An unpublished manuscript or manuscript in preparation based on independent research to be presented in the submitted abstract. (35-page limitation, including references, tables, and figures.) The applicant must be the first and presenting author, although the manuscript may have co-authors. The work covered by the submitted abstract must not have been presented at a national or international meeting before presentation at the AHA scientific event. If so, the abstract must be withdrawn.
  3. Curriculum vitae and bibliography.
  4. A letter detailing how much of the design and research work was done by the candidate and by any co-investigators. The candidate's immediate supervisor, division head, department chairman, or institute director must write this statement. In case of multi-authored manuscripts, the supervisor should also indicate that among all the co-authors the applicant is the most appropriate candidate for the award, and offer rationale for this opinion. Supportive statements of the candidate and his or her relevant qualifications as a researcher are also encouraged.

Though not required, up to two additional letters of support or reference from individuals familiar with the applicant, his or her background, or his or her research may be submitted. Inclusion of additional support letters does not guarantee higher consideration of an application, but can be beneficial.

Visit the Council Awards Application System to complete an application.

A username and password previously set up through online registration at Professional Heart Daily (PHD) will be necessary to access the Application System. AHA Professional Members who are creating an online profile for the first time should make sure to register using their AHA membership identification numbers.

An active AHA Professional Membership is required of all applicants for this award. If you are joining the AHA to apply, please wait for your AHA member number to arrive from AHA Member Services via e-mail before creating an online profile and starting your application file. We suggest that new members join the AHA no later than one week prior to the application submission deadline for the member ID number to be processed and delivered in time for the application deadline. The membership number will be required on the award application form.

  1. Click the link for the Council Awards Application System.
  2. Sign in with your Professional Heart Daily username and password.
  3. Follow these instructions to set up your profile in ProposalCentral. Setting up your ProposalCentral profile will only need to be done the first time you login to apply for an American Heart Association Council Awards. Please note that the grant maker named American Heart Association is for AHA Research Awards and is a separate log in.

For more detailed information on ProposalCentral, also included are additional materials on specific ProposalCentral functionality.


Finalists for the early career investigator award competitions will be announced in August and will present their research results at Scientific Sessions in November. Each finalist must present their abstract in-person at Scientific Sessions. Virtual presentations or an alternate (proxy) presenter will not be permitted and will result in disqualification from the award.

  • Each finalist will receive one complimentary ticket to and recognition at the council reception where they will be presented with an engraved award plaque. The winner will be announced at the dinner.
  • The winner will receive a $1,000 honorarium; up to two remaining finalists will each receive a $500 honorarium.


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AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers

Scientific Sessions: November 16–18, 2024
McCormick Place Convention Center | Chicago, Illinois