BCVS Early Career Poster Competition

Sponsored by the BCVS Early Career Committee

Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 (6 p.m. CT)

General Information

Sponsored by the BCVS Early Career Committee, the purpose of this competition is to encourage new investigators to participate in the Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Conference Scientific Sessions.

There will be five graduate and five post-doc early career poster awards ($100 each) presented to qualified poster presenters. The awardees will be selected based on the originality, quality, and the impact of the work presented in the abstracts.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a member of the American Heart Association (membership number required to complete award application).
  • The candidate must hold an academic (or equivalent) rank below assistant professor (postdocs and fellows).
  • Applicants must submit an abstract for the conference by Wednesday, March 11, 2020 (5 p.m. CT) and only the "first/primary author" may apply.
  • The applicant must be the abstract presenter.
  • The work may not have been presented or published before the conference.
  • Only one abstract may be entered for judging in the competition from the "first/primary author."

Application Instructions

  • Submit an abstract as first author for the conference.
  • Select the award for which you are applying from the drop-down list on the awards page of the abstract submission website.
  • Upload the following material between January 8 and March 11, 2020.
    • A signed letter of endorsement from a department chair, advisor or other sponsor, certifying that you meet the eligibility criteria for this award.
    • Your curriculum vitae and bibliography.
    • Your AHA membership number.


Please contact:

Viola Gold

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers.

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