Submit Science – Scientific Sessions 2025

General abstract submission opens April 9!

New: The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Medical Society (HCMS) is co-locating its annual symposium with #AHA25 in New Orleans. To have your research considered for presentation at the HCMS Symposium, you must select and submit to an HCMS abstract submission category.

#AHA25 and HCMS General Abstract Submissions

April 9 – June 5, 2025, 6:00 p.m. CDT/7:00 p.m. ET (UTC -4)

Submission Fee:

Late-Breaking Science Submissions

June 16 – August 4, 2025, 6:00 p.m. CDT/7:00 p.m. ET (UTC -4)

Late-Breaking BASIC Science Submissions

June 16 – August 4, 2025, 6:00 p.m. CDT/7:00 p.m. ET (UTC -4)

Why Submit Your Science to #AHA25?

Presenting at Scientific Sessions differentiates you and can positively impact the trajectory of your scientific career!

Oral Abstract Presentations

  • Engage from the podium with a premier scientific community.

Moderated Digital Poster & Traditional Posters

  • Converse with senior leaders in your field.
  • Engage with other poster presenters.
  • Discuss your research with attendees in the Discussion Forum.
Scientific Sessions presentations
Presentation Type What it Means
Oral Abstract Presentations
  • 12-min presentation with live Q&A from the audience
  • Q&A opportunity digitally through the Mobile App allows presenters to engage a global audience
  • Publication in Circulation
Moderated Digital Poster Presentations
  • 5-min presentation with live Q&A from the audience
  • An electronic version of your poster available online through the ePoster site
  • Ability to add audio, video or other supporting documents to the ePoster site to support your research
  • Publication in Circulation
Traditional (Board) Poster Presentations
  • Specific presentation time for a group of posters with global leaders who are invited to view your poster
  • Engage with the audience as attendees view posters in the poster hall
  • An electronic version of your poster available online through the ePoster site
  • Ability to add audio, video or other supporting documents to the ePoster site to support your research
  • Opportunity to take questions from the global audience via the ePoster tool
  • Publication in Circulation

General Abstract Submission Period: April 9–June 5, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. EDT (UTC-4)

Overall Abstract Submission Requirements

  • All abstracts must be submitted (and if accepted, will be presented) in English with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication.
  • Submit statistical results, including descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • Author must affirm the work submitted is original and all statements declared as facts are based on thorough examination and investigation for accuracy.
  • Authors should not "split" statistical data to create several abstracts from one study. If splitting is judged to have occurred, prior scores of related abstracts will be negatively influenced.
  • Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution and/or people will be disqualified.
  • Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before the submission deadline. The abstract will be published exactly as it has been submitted.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted. Failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts for American Heart Association meetings/conferences.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts an investigator may submit. If selected, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed. If multiple submissions are accepted, the presenting author must resolve schedule conflicts by arranging for a co-author to present.

Abstract Title

  • An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations or inflammatory language) that indicates the nature of the investigation.
  • Avoid an abstract title that reveals the results of the study. Explicit titles denoting the findings should be used (not "Investigations of … ," "Studies of … ," etc.).

Abstract Text

  • We recommend abstracts have the following identifiable sections:
    • Introduction/Background
    • Research Questions/Hypothesis
    • Goals/Aims
    • Methods/Approach
    • Results/Data (descriptive and inferential statistics)
    • Conclusion(s)
  • Looking for recommendations on how to improve your abstract? We highly recommend you view these recommendations from AHA journals.
  • Use generic drug names.
  • Avoid beginning sentences with numbers.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Nonstandard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
  • Do not include references, credits or grant support.
  • Do not include the names or personal informationof any patient participating in the study or trial.

Abstract Character Guidelines

  • Abstracts are limited to 2,500 characters (about 360-630 words).
  • Counts towards character limit:
    • Spaces in the abstract body
    • Text in the abstract body

  • Does not count towards character limit:
    • Title of abstract
    • Names of authors
    • Caption of graphic
    • Graphics, images, figures or tables

Graphics Guidelines

  • All graphics (figures) and text-based graphics (tables) shouldbe provided as 72- 300 dpi, pre-sized .BMP, .GIF, .JPG or .PNG images only, with a maximum width of 440 pixels (no limit on length). Black-and-white digital images should be in grayscale mode. Color images should be saved in RGB color mode.
  • All graphics will require a brief description of the image.
  • Please Note: If an abstract is accepted for publication, any images submitted with the abstract are placed after the abstract that will appear in the online only supplement to Circulation, an American Heart Association journal.

Author Name(s)

  • The submitting author will be designated as the primary and presenting author unless otherwise specified. The presenting author must be listed on the abstract and can be listed anywhere in the author block.
  • All authors listed on the abstract must have actively participated in the research the abstract represents. The AHA reserves the right to remove an abstract from the program abstract represents
  • Please review the author block carefully. Edits cannot be made after the June 5, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. EDT (UTC-4) deadline. Once submission is complete, the author block will be published as submitted. Additions or deletions of author names are not permitted after the submission deadline.

Abstract Revisions

  • After the June 5, 2025, 7:00PM EDT (UTC -4) deadline, your abstract submission is considered final and cannot be edited.
    • Abstracts may not be revised in any way or resubmitted.
    • Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted.
  • Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission.

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement

  • Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be electronically signed during submission.
    • Your selection of "Yes" will grant permission to publish.
    • Your selection of "No" will prohibit publication of the abstract in all formats including the Circulation supplement, ePoster site, the mobile meeting guide app, abstracts on USB/download and the online program planner.

Abstract Review

  • Abstracts successfully submitted by the June 5, 2025, 7:00 PM ET/UTC-4 deadline are posted to a secured website for blind review. Our intent is to be inclusive of quality science received without compromising scientific integrity. As such, a team of eight to 10 experts, selected by the Committee for Scientific Sessions Programming, independently reviews abstracts in the category that best fits their expertise.
  • Abstracts submitted for consideration must convey an original idea, concept or an improvement or revision of a previous idea. Abstracts are selected on the basis of the following:
    • Scientific merit - direction toward the development of a new or improved diagnostic procedure or idea.
    • Organization – well organized, easy to follow and understand.
    • Practicality - should be available, logical and feasible.
    • Presentation - should be clear, brief and show understanding of the subject matter.
    • Technical quality - the idea must stand up to scrutiny. Facts and data have scientific backing.

Abstract Acceptance

  • Abstract acceptance/non-acceptance status will be available by mid-August. Please ensure the email provided for the presenting author is accurate as all correspondence will be sent via email to the presenting author only.
  • All communications regarding your abstract will be sent from [email protected]. Please make sure to add this email address to your email contacts to ensure important program participant-related information gets through your spam filters, etc.
  • All accepted abstracts will be scheduled in oral or poster presentation formats. All presentations including question-and-answers will be conducted in English. Presenters may request assistance from the moderator who will repeat or rephrase questions from the audience or may ask a colleague in the audience to assist with translation.
  • Guidelines for abstract presentation will be included in the acceptance communication.

Abstract Journal Publication

  • Accepted abstracts having selected "Yes" to the Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be published online in the Circulation journal supplement.

Embargo Policy

  • Non-late-breaking abstracts and presentations are embargoed for release at 5:00 AM EST Monday, Nov. 3, 2025, and are therefore prohibited from release until date and time of AHA designated embargo time. You will be contacted by AHA communications if you are selected to participate in an AHA news event.
  • Written embargoed information cannot be shared with anyone outside of the AHA, except for a journal manuscript in which one-on-one embargoed media interviews can be conducted if the reporter agrees to abide by the embargo policy. Failure to honor embargo policies will result in this abstract beingwithdrawnand future abstracts also being barred from presentation. Complete AHA Embargo Policy.

Recording Policy

  • Unauthorized recording of the AHA Scientific Sessions, scientific conferences and the AHA/ASA International Stroke Conference is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography, audio or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supportingaudiovisual materials and poster presentations and supporting poster materials.
  • The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association reserve the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings.

Use of Automated Assistive Writing Technologies and Tools

  • The use of automated assistive writing technologies and tools (commonly referred to as artificial intelligence or machine learning tools) is permitted provided that their use is documented, and authors assume responsibility for the content. As with humangenerated content, authors are responsible for the accuracy, validity and originality of computer-generated content. Automated assistive writing technologies do not qualify for authorship as they are unable to provide approval or consent for submission.
  • If the use of these technologies has involved the research design, the tools should be documented in the Methods sectionof the abstract. For additional information, see the World Association of Medical Editor recommendations.
  • For your abstract submission, you will need to indicate the use of these tools.

Before you submit your general abstract to Scientific Sessions 2025 or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Medical Society at #AHA25, please use the checklist below to make sure it meets the highlighted submission guidelines and follows best practices.


  • Ensure the title is conclusive, not descriptive. Explicit titles denoting the findings should be used (not "Investigations of… ," "Studies of… ," etc.)
    • Descriptive: "Effects of Hypoxia on Kv1.5 Channels"
    • Conclusive: "Hypoxia Inhibits Kv1.5 Channels in Rat PulmonaryArtery Smooth Muscle Cells"
  • We recommend that abstracts have the following identifiable sections:
    • Introduction/Background
    • Research Questions/Hypothesis
    • Methods/Approach
    • Results/Data (descriptive and inferential statistics)
    • Conclusion(s)
  • Clearly state the hypothesis if you include a hypothesis.
  • Do not include references, credits or grant support information.
  • Minimize the use of abbreviations: Most abstracts should contain fewer than three.
  • Place nonstandard abbreviations in parentheses after the first use of the full word or phrase.
  • Use generic drug names.
  • Do not begin sentences with numbers.
  • Limit text to 2,500 characters for the abstract body.
    • Character count includes graphics, which deducts 250 characters per graphic.
    • Character count does include spaces.
    • Do not include the abstract title or authors in the abstract body.


  • Keep graphics simple: Line or bar graphs are most appropriate.
  • Ensure any text is large enough to read when printed.
  • Use only pre-sized .BMP, .GIF, .JPG or .PNG.
  • Save color images in RGB mode.
  • Ensure images are 72-300 dpi.
  • Limit image width to 440 pixels (no limit on length).

NOTE: Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid and/or correct errors before the submission deadline. The abstract will be published exactly as it has been submitted. For full details, see the Submission Guidelines on this page.

When is the General Abstract Submission Deadline?

  • General abstract submission opens April 9 and closes June 5, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. ET (UTC -4)

Are abstract presenters responsible for their expenses associated with participating in Scientific Sessions 2025?

  • The presenter is responsible for all expenses (e.g., airfare, lodging, conference registration) associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract. The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register for the meeting to present the abstract.

What is the fee for submitting an abstract?

  • There is a non-refundable submission fee for each abstract submitted.
  • Standard Abstract Fee Pricing: AHA Professional Members = $45 / Non-Members = $95. Become a Member and Save!
  • World Bank Abstract Fee Pricing = Complimentary [please check the LMIC list (PDF) for your country.]

How do I request a refund if I am a member but paid the non-member fee?

  • The last day to request a refund will be 30 days after the submission period closes. Submit a refund request to [email protected].
  • Membership must be active before the submission period ends.
  • Abstract must be submitted using the member’s AHA Professional Heart Daily account to receive the member pricing.
    • Even if a co-author is a member, member pricing is tied to the account the submitter is signed in with to submit the abstract.

Does AHA Scientific Sessions 2025 accept previously published or presented abstracts?

  • The American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2025 is a forum for the presentation of novel research findings.
  • The work covered by the abstract must not have been presented at a national or international meeting before presentation at Scientific Sessions 2025 or the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Medical Society Symposium taking place at #AHA25.
  • Abstracts associated with a published manuscript can be presented at an AHA scientific event if the manuscript was published after the time the abstract was submitted to the event; however, the abstract will not be published as a part of the journal publication.

To what category should I submit my abstract?

  • To ensure your abstract receives proper scientific consideration, be sure to submit to the appropriate abstract category. Abstract categories can be found on this page.
  • NEW: The HCMS Scientific Session is co-locating with #AHA25. There are separate submission categories for each meeting. Your submission will only be considered for the meeting where submitted.

Can I make edits to my abstract after the submission deadline?

  • After the June 5, 2025, 7:00 PM EST/UTC -4 submission deadline, abstracts are no longer accessible and therefore may not be revised in any way or resubmitted. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted.
  • If accepted, your abstract will be published as submitted; it cannot be edited after the submission deadline. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before the submission deadline.

When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?

  • Abstract acceptance/non-acceptance status will be available by mid-August. Please ensure the email provided for the presenting author is accurate as all correspondences will be sent via email to the presenting author only.
  • All communications regarding your abstract will be sent from [email protected]. Please make sure to add this email address to your email contacts to ensure important program participant-related information gets through your spam filters, etc.

Do you accept Literature Review abstract submissions?

  • A literature review within the context of a systematic review or meta-analysis research methodology may be considered for acceptance.

2025 General Abstract Categories

Basic Science
Cardiac Development, Structure and Function Categories
No. Categories Council
1.01 Cardiac Hypertrophy, Heart Failure and Ventricular Remobdeling BCVS
1.02 Protection of Ischemic Myocardium and Myocardial Repair BCVS

Genetics and Genomics Categories
No. Categories Council
2.03 Drug Discovery for Cardiovascular Disease BCVS
2.04 Functional Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics of Cardiovascular Disease GPM
2.05 Genetic Epidemiology, Genomics, Gene-Based Therapies, Gene Editing and Pharmacogenomics GPM
2.06 Precision Medicine- Genetic and Genomic Applications GPM

Molecular and Cellular Science Categories
No. Categories Council
3.07 Cardiac Metabolism and Energetics BCVS
3.08 Cardiorenal Physicology/Pathophysiology KCVD
3.09 Cellular Signaling BCVS
3.10 Electrophysiology and Experimental Models of Arrhythmias BCVS
3.11 Ischemic Myocardium ATVB

Regenerative Science Categories
No. Categories Council
4.12 Angiogenesis, Vascular Development and Regeneration BCVS
4.13 Cardiac Development BCVS
4.14 Cell and Tissue Engineering BCVS
4.15 Differentiation, Remodeling, Extracellular Matrix ATVB
4.16 Gene Expression/Molecular Biology BCVS
4.17 Stem/Progenitor Cells BCVS

Vascular Biology Categories
No. Categories Council
5.18 Atherosclerosis, Hemostasis and Thrombosis and Fibrinolysis ATVB
5.19 Endotheliu, Vascular Tone and Nitric Oxide ATVB
5.20 Inflammation and Adhesion Molecules ATVB
5.21 Lipids, Lipid Mediators, and Lippoprotein Metabolism: Cellular and Animal ATVB
5.22 Microciruulation and Cerebral/Coronary/Peripheral Circulation ATVB
Clinical Science
Arrhythmia Categories
No. Categories Council
6.23 Arrhythmia: Clinical Electrophysiology Diagnosis CLCD
6.24 Arrhythmia: Clinical Electrophysiology Risk Stratification CLCD
6.25 Treatment of Arrhythmia: Pharmocologic CLCD
6.26 Treatment of Arrhythmia: Ablation and Surgery CLCD
6.27 Treatment of Arrhythmia: Device Therapy CLCD

Brain Health Categories
No. Categories Council
7.28 Brain Health Stroke
7.29 Cerebrovascular Diseases/Stroke (Basic, Clinical and Population) Stroke

Congenital and Pediatric Categories
No. Categories Council
8.30 Adult Congenital Heart Disease Young Hearts
8.31 Pediatric Congenital Heart Defects Young Hearts
8.32 Pediatric Acquired Heart Disease (i.e. infections diseases, other) Young Hearts
8.33 Pediatric Imaging Young Hearts
8.34 Pediatric Electrophysiology Young Hearts
8.35 Pediatric Epidemiology and Population Prevention Young Hearts
8.36 Pediatric Clinical Preventive Cardiovascular Disease Young Hearts
8.37 Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Intervention Young Hearts
8.38 Pediatric Heart Failure/Transplantation Young Hearts
8.39 Pediatric Critical Care Cardiology Young Hearts

Coronary Categories
No. Categories Council
9.40 Catheter-Based Coronary Imaging and Hemodynamics CLCD
9.41 Catheter-Based Coronary Interventions CLCD
9.42 Chronic Coronary Disease CLCD
9.43 Clinical Biomarkers in ACS CLCD
9.44 Coronary Revascularization (percutaneous and/or surgical) CVSA
9.45 Pharmacology for PCI CLCD
9.46 Unstable Angina, NSTEMI and STEMI: Diagnosis and Pathophysiology CLCD
9.47 Unstable Angina, NSTEMI and STEMI: PRogrmosis and Pharmacologic Therapy CLCD

Critical Care & Anesthesia Categories
No. Categories Council
10.48 Bridge to and Transplantion CVSA
10.49 Cardiopulmonary Bypass CVSA
10.50 Critical Care Cardiology 3CPR
10.51 ECMO and Mechanical Assist Support 3CPR
10.52 Heart Failure and Transplantation CVSA
10.53 Intra-operative CVSA
10.54 Peri-operative Care CVSA
10.55 Pulmonary Hypertension and Diseases involving Pulmonary Circulation 3CPR
10.56 Right Venticular Function and Physiology 3CPR

Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension
No. Categories Council
11.57 Cardio-Oncology CLCD
11.58 End-Stage Heart Failure: Transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, and Medical Therapy CLCD
11.59 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Diagnosis and Evaluation CLCD
11.60 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Disease Management CLCD
11.61 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Pacing and Other Theraputic Devices CLCD
11.62 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Pathophysiology BCVS
11.63 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Pharmacologic Therapy CLCD
11.64 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies: Quality of Care, and Clinical Outcomes CLCD
11.65 Palliative and End of Life Care CLCD

Hypertension Categories
No. Categories Council
12.66 Hypertension: Basic and Translational HTN
12.67 Hypertension: Clinical HTN

Imaging Categories
No. Categories Council
13.68 Computed Tomography (CT): Heart CVRI
13.69 Echocardiography in Clinical Syndromes CLCD
13.70 Echocardiography: Emerging/New Technologies CLCD
13.71 Echocardiography: Evaluation of Systolic and Diastolic Function CLCD
13.72 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Heart CVRI
13.73 Non-Coronary Vascular Imaging (CT/MRI/Other) CVRI
13.74 Nuclear Cardiology CLCD

No. Category Council
14.75 Nephrology KCVD

Nursing and Allied Healthcare Categories
No. Categories Council
15.76 Acute and Chronic Care CVSN
15.77 Primary Care, Prevention, Education and Disease Management CVSN
15.78 Psychosocial and Behavioral Aspects CVSN

Valve Categories
No. Categories Council
16.79 Aortic Valve CVSA
16.80 Mitral and Tricuspid Valve CVSA
16.81 Structureal Heart; Transcatheter or Surgical Valve Therapy CVSA

Vascular Medicine Categories
No. Categories Council
17.82 Endovascular Therapy PVD
17.83 Thoracic Aortic Disease CVSA
17.84 Vascular Medicine: Basic and Translational PVD
17.85 Vascular Medicine: Clinical Science PVD
17.86 Vascular Medicine: Venous and Thromboembolic Disease PVD
Population Science
AI and Bioinformatics Categories
No. Categories Council
18.87 Aging and Care of the Older Adult CLCD
18.88 Biomarkers, Risk Assessment and Risk Prediction EPI
18.89 Clinical and Hospital-Based Observational Studies EPI
18.90 Health Disparities and Underrepresented Populations CLCD
18.91 Health Equity and Structural Racism EPI
18.92 Health Tech, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning QCOR
18.93 Methodology and Data Science EPI
18.94 Population-Based and Observational Studies EPI
18.95 Social Determinants of Health QCOR

Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic Health Categories
No. Categories Council
19.96 Cardiovascular Kidney and Metabolic Health Lifestyle
19.97 Diabetes Mellitus and CVD: Prevention and Management Lifestyle
19.98 Obesity and Weight Management in CVD Risk and Prevention Lifestyle

Clinical Trials, Quality and Outcomes Research Categories
No. Categories Council
20.99 Cardio-Obstetrics CLCD
20.100 Cardiovascular Health Policy QCOR
20.101 Clinical Trial Design and Research Methodology QCOR
20.102 Disparities in Health Care Delivery QCOR
20.103 Implementation Science EPI
20.104 Quality of Care and Outcomes Research QCOR
20.105 Women's Health and Sex Differences CLCD

Prevention and Lifestyle Categories
No. Categories Council
21.106 Clinical Lipidology Lifestyle
21.107 Exercise, Physical Activity and Rehabilitation Lifestyle
21.108 LGBTQ+ Health Lifestyle
21.109 Nutrition in CVD Risk and Prevention Lifestyle
21.110 Psychological Health and Wellbeing Stroke
21.111 Sleep Health Lifestyle
21.112 Stress Testing Exercise and Pharmacologic (Includes Sports Cardiology) CLCD
21.113 Substance Use and CVD Lifestyle
21.114 Workplace, Environmental and Culture of Health Lifestyle
Broad Focus
Clinical Cases Categories
No. Categories
22.115 Clinical Case: Behavioral Medicine
22.116 Clinical Case: Brain Health, Stroke and Neuroscience
22.117 Clinical Case: Cardio-Obstetrics
22.118 Clinical Case: Cardio-Oncology
22.119 Clinical Case: Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic and Prevention
22.120 Clinical Case: Congenital Heart Disease
22.121 Clinical Case: Coronary Artery Disease
22.122 Clinical Case: Critical Care Cardiology
22.123 Clinical Case: Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias
22.124 Clinical Case: Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies
22.125 Clinical Case: Pulmonary Hypertension
22.126 Clinical Case: Valvular Heart Disease
22.127 Clinical Case: Vascular Medicine

Professional Development Category
No. Category
23.128 Professional Development, Wellbeing, and Education
(Includes the following: Mentoring Strategies; Innovation in Clinical Education; Teaching/Learning models in Medical Education; Research Career Development, Clinician Psychological Health and Well-Being including burnout.)
HCMS at #AHA25

Abstracts for HCMS’s Scientific Session will be submitted via the AHA’s Scientific Sessions 2025 portal, following all AHA processes and deadlines. Abstract submitters will self-select the option to submit to HCMS’s Scientific Session. Abstracts accepted and presented at HCMS will be published in the Circulation supplement for AHA’s Scientific Sessions 2025.

Note: These submissions will only be considered for the HCMS symposium. If you are interested in submitting an abstract for consideration at #AHA25, you must submit it under an #AHA25 General Abstract Category.

HCMS Abstract Submission Categories
Number Categories
H.01 HCMS: Basic
H.02 HCMS: Clinical
H.03 HCMS: Late-breaking/Featured Science