Submit Science - International Stroke Conference 2025

We want your science at #ISC25

You want to be noticed for your great science, and the International Stroke Conference, the world’s premier stroke meeting, is the place to showcase your work.

Submitting your science

You will need your AHA login to submit abstracts. Please be sure to login to the submission site using your correct AHA Member account information in order to receive the Member rate. | Forgot your AHA login information?


ISC Trainee Abstract Submission Deadline:
September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.

Case Study Submission (Fellows & Residents) Submission:
August 27 to September 25, 2024

Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trial Abstract Submission
October 2 to October 30, 2024

ISC, Stroke Nursing Symposium, and HEADS-UP Abstract Submission

Submission Fees

  • AHA Professional Member Members: $45
  • Nonmembers $95

Case Study Abstracts

Case Study Submission (Fellows & Residents):
Deadline to submit is: September 25, 2024

To submit your Case Study, click "Submit Your Abstract" on the top right of this page.

Fellows and Residents in Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, Neurocritical Care, and NeuroInterventional Radiology – be a part of the education and network with leaders in the stroke field at ISC 2025.

You are invited to submit your most compelling individual case studies with

  • A brief summary of the case and
  • 2 Learning Points.

Submitted case studies will be reviewed by the ISC Program Committee, and several case studies will be selected for inclusion in a special case study session. In this session, the Fellow/Resident will present a brief summary of their individual case. They will describe the most relevant learning points for them and will take questions/comments from a selected panel of senior clinicians. 

For questions, contact [email protected].

ISC Trainee Abstracts

ISC TRAINEE Abstract Submission Deadline
September 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EDT
NOTE: This submission type and its extended deadline of September 30 is ONLY for abstracts submitted by trainees (residents and fellows) who started their training and the research on which the abstract is based at the facility the abstract is submitted from in July 2024 and are available to present their results in February 2025. If your abstract does not meet the criteria above, it should be submitted as an ISC General Abstract by the August 20, 2024 deadline, or it will not be considered for inclusion in the 2025 program.

Request for Abstract Withdrawal (in writing):
November 30, 2024

Note: There may be some overlap of definitions/terms among categories. Please aim for topic specificity as much as possible.

Acute Treatment: Systemic Thrombolysis and Cerebroprotection: Clinical trials in acute ischemic stroke that do not include endovascular therapy and address efficacy and safety of any approaches involving systemic administration of thrombolytic agents, antithrombotic agents and all forms of cerebral protection.

Advanced Practice Providers and Therapists: Topics specifically related to any and all Advanced Practice Providers and Therapists including advanced practice registered nurses, family nurse practitioners, physician assistants, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists.

Aneurysms and Vascular Malformations: Current understanding of unruptured aneurysms including genetics, screening, natural history, and treatment strategies. Current understanding of molecular biology and genetics; natural history and multidisciplinary management of vascular malformations including cavernous, arteriovenous malformations, and dural arteriovenous fistulae. Includes AVMs.

Brain Health: Basic, clinical, experimental and population-based investigations into relationships between stroke, cerebrovascular disease, stroke risk factors and both behavior and cognitive outcomes. Studies on the neuroimaging correlates and predictors of cognitive impairment, with particular, but not exclusive, emphasis on small vessel disease and vascular dementia.

Cerebrovascular Nursing: Clinical and research topics in nursing across the continuum of care: emergency nursing, acute care, critical care, inpatient care, interventional neuroradiology nursing, neurosurgical nursing, rehabilitation, home health, community nursing, and stroke prevention. Topics may also include nursing role in stroke systems of care, telemedicine, quality of care, health delivery outcomes, stroke teams, stroke triage and nursing administration.

Cerebrovascular Systems of Care: Emergency department-based stroke care, including clinical trials initiated in the emergency department; EMS-based stroke care; stroke triage tools and systems; emergency nursing; telemedicine use in emergency stroke care; stroke systems of care; acute stroke teams; and geographic analysis of stroke care.

Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery: Clinical aspects of rehabilitation and recovery post-stroke. Topics include clinically oriented studies of recovery mechanisms, treatments to enhance recovery, rehabilitative therapies, post-stroke outcome studies, post-acute care in the rehabilitation and community settings. May involve any rehabilitation discipline, such as neuroscience, medical rehabilitation, psychology, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, recreational therapy, and related disciplines.

Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes: Health services research, health care delivery, clinical outcomes assessment tools, quality of life, organization of care, process of care, T2 (bedside-to-community) translation, implementation science, effectiveness, quality of care, practice variation, provider perceptions, patient/caregiver preferences and values, economic analyses, qualitative studies, clinical decision-making. Note: This category does not include animal model studies.

Imaging: Brain or vascular imaging (MRI, CT, perfusion imaging, ischemic penumbra imaging, ultrasound) for acute therapeutic decision making, technological advances in acute imaging, imaging as a patient selection, and surrogate outcome tool for acute stroke trials.

In-Hospital Care; from the ICU to Discharge: Patient care and management issues beginning at the time of in-patient admission and continue through discharge from the acute hospital setting. The focus is on management issues commonly encountered by in-patients, including blood pressure control, management of serum blood glucose, in-hospital stroke and deterioration, intensive care management and transition to discharge.

Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Intracerebral hemorrhage, hypertensive hemorrhage, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, other hemorrhage-related vasculopathies. Neuroimaging of acute and chronic intracerebral hemorrhage. Animal models and other basic research on intracerebral hemorrhage. Clinical trials in treatment or prevention of intracerebral hemorrhage as well as other neurocritical care issues in intracerebral hemorrhage.

Large Vessel Disease from Arteries to Veins (Non-Acute Treatment): Natural history, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of extracranial or intracranial cerebrovascular occlusive disease, atherosclerotic or non-atherosclerotic. Carotid artery stenting, carotid endarterectomy, external-internal bypass, reversible cognitive impairment with carotid artery disease. Genetics, diagnosis, imaging, medical/surgical/endovascular/novel therapies, clinical trials, novel therapies, prognosis, outcomes as well as other neurocritical care issues in malignant hemispheric stroke.

Neuroendovascular: Clinical trials of endovascular therapy in acute ischemic stroke, recanalization, intra-arterial thrombolytics, mechanical recanalization devices. Patient care, management issues, translational research, and clinical studies examining the pathophysiology and management of subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral vasospasm. The focus is on the medical, endovascular management of patients encountered in the acute emergency and in-hospital setting.

Pediatric Cerebrovascular Disease: Cerebrovascular diseases affecting children of all ages, from the newborn through age 18 years, including arterial ischemic stroke, cerebral sinovenous thrombosis, spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, and primary cerebrovascular diseases associated with a high risk of stroke such as moya moya syndrome, cerebral vasculopathies related to hemoglobinopathies and cerebral vascular malformations.

Risk Factors and Prevention: Epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, cohort studies, population assessments, time trends, projections, risk factors, risk markers, genetics, community screening and education including SOCIO-demographic characteristics, lifestyle practices, community support, and traditional and non-traditional risk factors for vascular disease, meta-analyses of observational studies. Diagnostic evaluation of stroke pathogenesis, including clinical assessment, EKG, echocardiography, EEG, neuroimaging, ultrasonography, biomarkers, and novel tests. Modification of novel and traditional stroke risk factors including biomarkers; drug, device and lifestyle interventions to prevent first or recurrent stroke; therapies to reduce major vascular events (myocardial infarction, death from vascular causes) after an index stroke; observational studies; single clinical trials; meta-analyses of clinical trials. Note: Imaging is a separate category described above.

Translational Basic Science: Preclinical molecular, cellular, and systems level neuroscience of recovery and restoration after stroke. Topics include regeneration, cell replacement, progenitor cells, genetics of recovery, animal models of recovery, cerebral blood flow, neuroplasticity and functional recovery (somatic, motor and cognitive). Pre-clinical models of cerebral ischemia include rodents and large animal models, cell culture, neuronal, glia and white matter in vitro models of cerebral ischemia (oxygen-glucose deprivation). This theme also includes studies dealing with the biology of all segments of the cerebral circulation including cerebral arteries, pial vessels, and the neurovascular unit; biology of endothelial cells, pericytes vascular muscle, and the blood-brain barrier; biological effects of risk factors for vascular disease and thrombosis as well as the impact of stroke on the vasculature; mechanisms that regulate cerebral blood flow, angiogenesis, and remodeling of the neurovascular unit under normal or pathological conditions. Basic translational studies of aged- or vascular-related cognitive decline that includes animal models.

ISC TRAINEE Abstract Submission Rules and Guidelines

This submission type and its extended deadline of September 30th is ONLY for abstracts submitted by trainees (residents and fellows) who started their training and the research on which the abstract Is based at the facility the abstract is submitted from in July 2024 and are available to present their results in February 2025. All other abstracts should be submitted as a regular ISC abstract by the August 20th deadline or they will not be considered for inclusion in the 2025 program. Fewer oral abstract slots will be reserved for ISC Trainee abstracts.

Author Name(s)

  1. If an author's name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.
  2. The submitting author is designated as the presenting author. You may change who is presenting the abstract on the “Authors” step in the submission site. You may rearrange the order of the authors; however, the senior author must always be listed last. The presenter must be an author of the abstract.
  3. There is no limit to the number of abstracts an investigator may submit. If selected, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed. If multiple submissions are accepted, the presenting author must resolve schedule conflicts by arranging for a co-author to present.
  4. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.

Abstract Data

  1. Abstract data may not be presented at any national or international meeting held prior to the date and time of presentation or time of AHA news event.
  2. The International Stroke Conference 2025 is a forum for the presentation of novel research findings. Thus, the work covered by the abstract must not have been published (manuscript or abstract) prior to the time of abstract submission. Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
  3. Authors should not "split" data to create several abstracts from one. If splitting is judged to have occurred, priority scores of related abstracts will be reduced.
  4. Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution and/or individuals will be disqualified.
  5. You must submit an accompanying letter with your abstract. This accompanying letter should confirm that you started your training and the research on which the abstract is based at the facility the abstract is submitted from in July 2024 and are available to present your results in February 2025. All other abstracts should be submitted as a regular ISC abstract by the August 20th deadline or they will not be considered for inclusion in the 2025 program.
  6. Because of the large number of submitted abstracts, resubmission of an abstract to make revisions is not permitted after September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.
  7. To ensure that the abstract receives proper scientific consideration, please make sure that the abstract is submitted to the appropriate category. A list of the abstract categories and their definitions is available on the submission site.
  8. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. No proof pages will be sent to authors. Revisions to abstracts will not be permitted after the September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT submission deadline.

Use of Automated Assistive Writing Technologies and Tools

  1. The use of automated assistive writing technologies and tools (commonly referred to as artificial intelligence or machine learning tools) is permitted provided that their use is documented, and authors assume responsibility for the content. As with human-generated content, authors are responsible for the accuracy, validity and originality of computer-generated content. Automated assistive writing technologies do not qualify for authorship as they are unable to provide approval or consent for submission.
  2. If the use of these technologies has involved the research design, the tools should be documented in the Methods. For additional information, see the World Association of Medical Editor recommendations.
  3. For your abstract submission, you will need to indicate the use of these tools.

Abstract Title

  1. An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the investigation.

Abstract Text

  1. Describe briefly the objectives of the study unless they are contained in the title. Include a brief statement of methods. State findings in detail sufficient to support conclusions. Abstracts should not describe research in which the chemical identity or source of the reagent is proprietary or cannot be revealed.
  2. Abstracts may have the following identifiable sections, but they are not mandatory: Introduction, Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Conclusions. You may include a hypothesis, but only if it is appropriate to do so.
  3. The abstract must contain a brief section on Methods/Methodology.
  4. Use generic drug names.
  5. Do not begin sentences with numerals.
  6. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
  7. Do not include author or institution names, references, credits or grant support in the abstract.
  8. Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
  9. Abstracts are limited to 2,500 characters (about 500 - 600 words). This includes spaces and punctuation. It does not include graphics. Only 3 graphics max per abstract are allowed.
  10. Tables must be submitted as graphics. Do not submit a table in Word as it will not format correctly in the online Stroke journal.
  11. Due to new accessibility guidelines, you must submit a brief description of any and all graphics included in your abstract submission in the appropriate step on the submission site.

Graphics Guidelines

  1. All graphics (figures) and text-based graphics (tables) should be provided as 72 - 300 dpi; pre-sized .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG images only, with a maximum width of 440 pixels (no limit on length). Black-and-white digital images should be in grayscale mode. Color images should be saved in RGB color mode.
  2. Only 3 graphics max per abstract are allowed.
  3. All graphics will require a brief description of the image.
  4. Please Note: If an abstract is accepted for publication, any images submitted with the abstract are placed after the abstract text that will appear in the online only Stroke journal, an American Heart Association journal.

Abstract Revisions

  1. After the September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT deadline, abstracts may not be revised in any way or resubmitted.
  2. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.
  3. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission.

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be electronically signed during submission.

  • Your selection of “Yes” will grant permission to publish.
  • Your selection of “No” will prohibit publication of the abstract in all formats including the online Stroke journal, ePoster site, the mobile meeting guide app, and the online program planner.


  1. Abstracts selected will be published online in February 2025 on the Stroke journal Web site.
  2. All communications regarding your abstract will be sent from International Stroke Conference 2025 ([email protected]). Please make sure to add this e-mail address to your e-mail contacts to ensure important program participant related information gets through your spam filters, etc.
  3. If the abstract is submitted to more than one meeting, investigators must include new and scientifically meaningful information/results at time of submission to the AHA.
  4. Abstracts accepted for presentation at ISC 2025 cannot be presented at another national or international meeting held prior to February 7, 2025.
  5. The work covered by the abstract must not be published prior to the time of abstract submission. Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
  6. Abstract grading is blinded. Abstracts are selected on the basis of scientific merit and are allocated to oral or poster presentations.
  7. Guidelines for presentations will be provided to authors of accepted abstracts.
  8. Abstract acceptance/non-acceptance status will be e-mailed to the submitting author in late October to the e-mail address provided during the submission process.

Abstract Journal Publication

Accepted abstracts having selected “Yes” to the Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be published online in the Stroke journal.

Embargo Policy

Non-late breaking abstracts and presentations are embargoed for release at 5 a.m. ET, Thursday, January 30, 2025, and are therefore prohibited from release until date and time of AHA designated embargo time. You will be contacted by AHA communications if you are selected to participate in an AHA news event.

Written embargoed information cannot be shared with anyone outside of the AHA with the exception of a journal manuscript where one-on-one embargoed media interviews can be conducted as long as the reporter agrees to abide by the embargo policy. Failure to honor embargo policies will result in this abstract being withdrawn and future abstracts also being barred from presentation.

Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

See the Complete AHA Embargo Policy.


  1. Request “oral or poster” or “poster only” preferred presentation on the Properties tab of the Submitter Site. The selection of one of these options will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee an oral or poster presentation because abstracts must be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation.
  2. All presentations and question-and-answer sessions will be conducted in English. Presenters may request assistance from the moderator who will repeat or rephrase questions from the audience, or they may ask a colleague in the audience to help translate.
  3. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present it if accepted. Failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.
  4. The American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, reserves the right to all video or audio recordings of presentations at the International Stroke Conference 2025.
  5. The presenter is responsible for all expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract (e.g. registration, airfare, lodging, etc.).
  6. All oral presentations must be in electronic format. Electronic presentations must be submitted via the Presentation Management system at least 12 hours in advance of the session start time. Instructions will be sent to the presenting author via e-mail in early January 2025.
  7. If you are referencing work previously published by another author, please be sure to include a complete citation at the bottom of the appropriate slide.
  8. NOTE: Fewer oral abstract slots will be reserved for ISC Trainee abstracts.

Recording Policy:

  1. Unauthorized recording of the AHA Scientific Sessions, scientific conferences, and the AHA/ASA International Stroke Conference and ISC Pre-Conference Symposia is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography, audio or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting audiovisual materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials.
  2. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association reserve the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings.

Abstract Withdrawal

  1. Requests for withdrawal of an abstract must be received in writing by November 30, 2024.

Stroke Nursing Symposium

State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium Abstract Submission has passed.

Request for Abstract Withdrawal (in writing):
November 30, 2024

Acute Care:
This includes topics related to advances in clinical practice and innovative programs (research).

Care Across the Continuum:
This includes topics focused on rehab and recovery, patient and caregiver education, care management programs, and research of innovative programs.

Stroke Program Optimization:
This includes topics focused on stoke program management, stroke coordinators (QI, data), innovative models of care, and research.

Author Name(s)

  1. If an author's name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.
  2. The submitting author is designated as the presenting author. You may change who is presenting the abstract on the “Authors” step of the submission site. You may rearrange the order of the authors; however, the senior author must always be listed last. The presenter must be an author of the abstract.
  3. There is no limit to the number of abstracts an investigator may submit. If selected, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed. If multiple submissions are accepted, the presenting author must resolve schedule conflicts by arranging for a co-author to present.
  4. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.

Abstract Requirements

  1. Abstracts must be an original idea, concept, or an improvement or revision of an old idea.
  2. Abstracts must be submitted in the final format. NO changes to content can be made after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT. Abstracts may not represent a work in progress.
  3. Abstracts that have been presented or will be presented at any national or international meeting prior to February 4, 2025 or have been submitted to more than one category of the Stroke Nursing Symposium will not be considered.
  4. The same abstract may be submitted for both ISC and the Stroke Nursing Symposium, but it can only be accepted for and presented at either ISC or the Nursing Symposium.
  5. The material has not been published as a full paper prior to its submission to the Stroke Nursing Symposium 2025 or the International Stroke Conference 2025.

Abstract Data

  1. Abstracts should address clinical quality initiatives, projects or policies from professionals that are pioneers in improving the quality of care and outcomes for persons with or at risk for stroke.
  2. Abstracts may also address issues in development or maintaining a stroke program.
  3. Abstracts with research findings should be submitted to the International Stroke Conference in the appropriate category.
  4. Because of the large number of submitted abstracts, resubmission of an abstract to make revisions is not permitted after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.
  5. To ensure that the abstract receives proper scientific consideration, please make sure that the abstract is submitted to the appropriate category. A list of the abstract categories and their definitions is available on the submission site.
  6. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. No proof pages will be sent to authors. Revisions to abstracts will not be permitted after the August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT submission deadline.

Use of Automated Assistive Writing Technologies and Tools

  1. The use of automated assistive writing technologies and tools (commonly referred to as artificial intelligence or machine learning tools) is permitted provided that their use is documented, and authors assume responsibility for the content. As with human-generated content, authors are responsible for the accuracy, validity and originality of computer-generated content. Automated assistive writing technologies do not qualify for authorship as they are unable to provide approval or consent for submission.
  2. If the use of these technologies has involved the research design, the tools should be documented in the Methods. For additional information, see the World Association of Medical Editor recommendations.
  3. For your abstract submission, you will need to indicate the use of these tools.

Abstract Title

  1. An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the investigation.

Abstract Text

  1. Do not begin sentences with numerals.
  2. Use generic drug names.
  3. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
  4. Do not include author or institution names, references, credits or grant support.
  5. Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
  6. Abstracts are limited to 2,500 characters (about 500 - 600 words). This includes spaces and punctuation. It does not include graphics. Only 3 graphics max per abstract are allowed.
  7. Tables must be submitted as graphics. Do not submit a table in Word as it will not format correctly in the online Stroke journal.

Abstract Grading

Nursing Symposium abstract grading/acceptance will be based on the following:

The abstract enhances the foundation for clinical decision-making or stimulates thinking about practice applications when caring for the stroke patient.

Overall, the abstract is readable and accurately presented and conclusion is valid.

The presentation demonstrates an insightful application or a creative and original solution to a clinical practice issue or problem in caring for the stroke patient.

Technical quality:
The abstract must include complete information or outcomes and have scientific backing. (Mentioning that the results will be presented at the meeting is unsatisfactory.)

Research-Based Abstracts

Background: Description of the problem.
Purpose: Research questions or hypothesis.
Methods: Study design, including a description of participants, procedures, measures, and appropriate statistical analyses.
Results: Specific results in summary form.
Conclusions: Major findings are presented with interpretation and implications for stroke management and nursing practice.

Clinical Practice/Program/QI Project Abstracts

Background and Issues: A short summary of the issue(s), problem, or specific clinical challenges or controversy, with relevant background and contextual information.
Purpose: Clear statement of goal of project is described.
Methods: Description of the project or program, clinical intervention(s), analysis plan or criteria used to guide analysis.
Results: Lessons Learned: A brief description of the findings or lessons learned as a result of the project.
Conclusions: A brief description of recommended position or approach, or specific recommendations related to the original problem or questions identified.

Graphics Guidelines

  1. All graphics (figures) and text-based graphics (tables) should be provided as 72 - 300 dpi; pre-sized .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG images only, with a maximum width of 440 pixels (no limit on length). Black-and-white digital images should be in grayscale mode. Color images should be saved in RGB color mode.
  2. Only 3 graphics max per abstract are allowed.
  3. All graphics will require a brief description of the image.
  4. Please Note: If an abstract is accepted for publication, any images submitted with the abstract are placed after the abstract text that will appear in the online only Stroke journal, an American Heart Association journal.

Abstract Revisions

  1. After the August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT deadline, abstracts may not be revised in any way or resubmitted.
  2. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.
  3. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission.

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be electronically signed during submission.

  • Your selection of “Yes” will grant permission to publish.
  • Your selection of “No” will prohibit publication of the abstract in all formats including the online Stroke journal, ePoster site, the mobile meeting guide app, and the online program planner.


  1. Abstracts selected will be published online in February 2025 on the Stroke journal Web site.
  2. All communications regarding your abstract will be sent from International Stroke Conference 2025 ([email protected]). Please make sure to add this e-mail address to your e-mail contacts to ensure important program participant related information gets through your spam filters, etc.
  3. If the abstract is submitted to more than one meeting, investigators must include new and scientifically meaningful information/results at time of submission to the AHA.
  4. Abstracts accepted for presentation at ISC or the Stroke Nursing Symposium 2025 cannot be presented at another national or international meeting held prior to February 7, 2025.
  5. The work covered by the abstract must not be published prior to the time of abstract submission. Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC or the Stroke Nursing Symposium 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
  6. Abstract grading is blinded. Abstracts are selected on the basis of scientific merit and are allocated to oral or poster presentations.
  7. Guidelines for presentations will be provided to authors of accepted abstracts.
  8. Abstract acceptance/non-acceptance status will be e-mailed to the submitting author in late October to the e-mail address provided during the submission process.

Abstract Journal Publication

Accepted abstracts having selected “Yes” to the Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be published online in the Stroke journal.

Embargo Policy

Non-late breaking abstracts and presentations are embargoed for release at 5 a.m. ET, Thursday, January 30, 2025, and are therefore prohibited from release until date and time of AHA designated embargo time. You will be contacted by AHA communications if you are selected to participate in an AHA news event.

Written embargoed information cannot be shared with anyone outside of the AHA with the exception of a journal manuscript where one-on-one embargoed media interviews can be conducted as long as the reporter agrees to abide by the embargo policy. Failure to honor embargo policies will result in this abstract being withdrawn and future abstracts also being barred from presentation.

Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC or the Stroke Nursing Symposium 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

See the complete AHA Embargo Policy.


  1. Request “oral or poster” or “poster only” preferred presentation on the Properties tab of the Submitter Site. The selection of one of these options will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee an oral or poster presentation because abstracts must be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation.
  2. All Nursing Symposium abstracts accepted for poster presentation will be presented during the International Stroke Conference as the Stroke Nursing Symposium does not include poster sessions.
  3. All presentations and question-and-answer sessions will be conducted in English. Presenters may request assistance from the moderator who will repeat or rephrase questions from the audience or may ask a colleague in the audience to help translate.
  4. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present it if accepted. Failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.
  5. The American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, reserves the right to all video or audio recordings of presentations at the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2025, Pre-Conference Symposia 2025, and the International Stroke Conference 2025.
  6. The presenter is responsible for all expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract (e.g. registration, airfare, lodging, etc.).
  7. All oral presentations must be in electronic format. Electronic presentations must be submitted at least 12 hours in advance of the session start time. Instructions will be sent to the presenting author via e-mail in early January 2025.
  8. If you are referencing work previously published by another author, please be sure to include a complete citation at the bottom of the appropriate slide.

Recording Policy:

  1. Unauthorized recording of the AHA Scientific Sessions, scientific conferences, and the AHA/ASA International Stroke Conference, Stroke Nursing Symposium and ISC Pre-Conference Symposia is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography, audio or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting audiovisual materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials.
  2. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association reserve the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings.

Abstract Withdrawal

  1. Requests for withdrawal of an abstract must be received in writing by November 30, 2024.

#ISC25 General Abstract Submission

General Abstract Submission Deadline has passed.

Request for Abstract Withdrawal (in writing):
November 30, 2024

Note: There may be some overlap of definitions/terms among categories. Please aim for topic specificity as much as possible.

Acute Treatment: Systemic Thrombolysis and Cerebroprotection: Clinical trials in acute ischemic stroke that do not include endovascular therapy and address efficacy and safety of any approaches involving systemic administration of thrombolytic agents, antithrombotic agents and all forms of cerebral protection.

Advanced Practice Providers and Therapists: Topics specifically related to any and all Advanced Practice Providers and Therapists including advanced practice registered nurses, family nurse practitioners, physician assistants, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists.

Aneurysms and Vascular Malformations: Current understanding of unruptured aneurysms including genetics, screening, natural history, and treatment strategies. Current understanding of molecular biology and genetics; natural history and multidisciplinary management of vascular malformations including cavernous, arteriovenous malformations, and dural arteriovenous fistulae. Includes AVMs.

Brain Health: Basic, clinical, experimental and population-based investigations into relationships between stroke, cerebrovascular disease, stroke risk factors and both behavior and cognitive outcomes. Studies on the neuroimaging correlates and predictors of cognitive impairment, with particular, but not exclusive, emphasis on small vessel disease and vascular dementia.

Cerebrovascular Nursing: Clinical and research topics in nursing across the continuum of care: emergency nursing, acute care, critical care, inpatient care, interventional neuroradiology nursing, neurosurgical nursing, rehabilitation, home health, community nursing, and stroke prevention. Topics may also include nursing role in stroke systems of care, telemedicine, quality of care, health delivery outcomes, stroke teams, stroke triage and nursing administration.

Cerebrovascular Systems of Care: Emergency department-based stroke care, including clinical trials initiated in the emergency department; EMS-based stroke care; stroke triage tools and systems; emergency nursing; telemedicine use in emergency stroke care; stroke systems of care; acute stroke teams; and geographic analysis of stroke care.

Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery: Clinical aspects of rehabilitation and recovery post-stroke. Topics include clinically oriented studies of recovery mechanisms, treatments to enhance recovery, rehabilitative therapies, post-stroke outcome studies, post-acute care in the rehabilitation and community settings. May involve any rehabilitation discipline, such as neuroscience, medical rehabilitation, psychology, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, recreational therapy, and related disciplines.

Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes: Health services research, health care delivery, clinical outcomes assessment tools, quality of life, organization of care, process of care, T2 (bedside-to-community) translation, implementation science, effectiveness, quality of care, practice variation, provider perceptions, patient/caregiver preferences and values, economic analyses, qualitative studies, clinical decision-making. Note: This category does not include animal model studies.

Imaging: Brain or vascular imaging (MRI, CT, perfusion imaging, ischemic penumbra imaging, ultrasound) for acute therapeutic decision making, technological advances in acute imaging, imaging as a patient selection, and surrogate outcome tool for acute stroke trials.

In-Hospital Care; from the ICU to Discharge: Patient care and management issues beginning at the time of in-patient admission and continue through discharge from the acute hospital setting. The focus is on management issues commonly encountered by in-patients, including blood pressure control, management of serum blood glucose, in-hospital stroke and deterioration, intensive care management and transition to discharge.

Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Intracerebral hemorrhage, hypertensive hemorrhage, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, other hemorrhage-related vasculopathies. Neuroimaging of acute and chronic intracerebral hemorrhage. Animal models and other basic research on intracerebral hemorrhage. Clinical trials in treatment or prevention of intracerebral hemorrhage as well as other neurocritical care issues in intracerebral hemorrhage.

Large Vessel Disease from Arteries to Veins (Non-Acute Treatment): Natural history, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of extracranial or intracranial cerebrovascular occlusive disease, atherosclerotic or non-atherosclerotic. Carotid artery stenting, carotid endarterectomy, external-internal bypass, reversible cognitive impairment with carotid artery disease. Genetics, diagnosis, imaging, medical/surgical/endovascular/novel therapies, clinical trials, novel therapies, prognosis, outcomes as well as other neurocritical care issues in malignant hemispheric stroke.

Neuroendovascular: Clinical trials of endovascular therapy in acute ischemic stroke, recanalization, intra-arterial thrombolytics, mechanical recanalization devices. Patient care, management issues, translational research, and clinical studies examining the pathophysiology and management of subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral vasospasm. The focus is on the medical, endovascular management of patients encountered in the acute emergency and in-hospital setting.

Pediatric Cerebrovascular Disease: Cerebrovascular diseases affecting children of all ages, from the newborn through age 18 years, including arterial ischemic stroke, cerebral sinovenous thrombosis, spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, and primary cerebrovascular diseases associated with a high risk of stroke such as moya moya syndrome, cerebral vasculopathies related to hemoglobinopathies and cerebral vascular malformations.

Risk Factors and Prevention: Epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, cohort studies, population assessments, time trends, projections, risk factors, risk markers, genetics, community screening and education including SOCIO-demographic characteristics, lifestyle practices, community support, and traditional and non-traditional risk factors for vascular disease, meta-analyses of observational studies. Diagnostic evaluation of stroke pathogenesis, including clinical assessment, EKG, echocardiography, EEG, neuroimaging, ultrasonography, biomarkers, and novel tests. Modification of novel and traditional stroke risk factors including biomarkers; drug, device and lifestyle interventions to prevent first or recurrent stroke; therapies to reduce major vascular events (myocardial infarction, death from vascular causes) after an index stroke; observational studies; single clinical trials; meta-analyses of clinical trials. Note: Imaging is a separate category described above.

Translational Basic Science: Preclinical molecular, cellular, and systems level neuroscience of recovery and restoration after stroke. Topics include regeneration, cell replacement, progenitor cells, genetics of recovery, animal models of recovery, cerebral blood flow, neuroplasticity and functional recovery (somatic, motor and cognitive). Pre-clinical models of cerebral ischemia include rodents and large animal models, cell culture, neuronal, glia and white matter in vitro models of cerebral ischemia (oxygen-glucose deprivation). This theme also includes studies dealing with the biology of all segments of the cerebral circulation including cerebral arteries, pial vessels, and the neurovascular unit; biology of endothelial cells, pericytes vascular muscle, and the blood-brain barrier; biological effects of risk factors for vascular disease and thrombosis as well as the impact of stroke on the vasculature; mechanisms that regulate cerebral blood flow, angiogenesis, and remodeling of the neurovascular unit under normal or pathological conditions. Basic translational studies of aged- or vascular-related cognitive decline that includes animal models.

Rules for Submission of Abstract(s)

Author Name(s)

  1. If an author's name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.
  2. The submitting author is designated as the presenting author. You may change who is presenting the abstract in the “Authors” step of the submission site. You may rearrange the order of the authors; however, the senior author must always be listed last. The presenter must be an author of the abstract.
  3. There is no limit to the number of abstracts an investigator may submit. If selected, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed. If multiple submissions are accepted, the presenting author must resolve schedule conflicts by arranging for a co-author to present.
  4. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.

Abstract Data

  1. Abstract data may not be presented at any national or international meeting held prior to the date and time of presentation or time of AHA news event.
  2. The International Stroke Conference 2025 is a forum for the presentation of novel research findings. Thus, the work covered by the abstract must not have been published (manuscript or abstract) prior to the time of abstract submission. Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
  3. Authors should not "split" data to create several abstracts from one. If splitting is judged to have occurred, priority scores of related abstracts will be reduced.
  4. Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution and/or individuals will be disqualified.
  5. Because of the large number of submitted abstracts, resubmission of an abstract to make revisions is not permitted after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.
  6. To ensure that the abstract receives proper scientific consideration, please make sure that the abstract is submitted to the appropriate category. A list of the abstract categories and their definitions is available on the submission site.
  7. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. No proof pages will be sent to authors. Revisions to abstracts will not be permitted after the August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT submission deadline.

Use of Automated Assistive Writing Technologies and Tools

  1. The use of automated assistive writing technologies and tools (commonly referred to as artificial intelligence or machine learning tools) is permitted provided that their use is documented, and authors assume responsibility for the content. As with human-generated content, authors are responsible for the accuracy, validity and originality of computer-generated content. Automated assistive writing technologies do not qualify for authorship as they are unable to provide approval or consent for submission.
  2. If the use of these technologies has involved the research design, the tools should be documented in the Methods. For additional information, see the World Association of Medical Editor recommendations.
  3. For your abstract submission, you will need to indicate the use of these tools.

Abstract Title

  1. An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the investigation.

Abstract Text

  1. Describe briefly the objectives of the study unless they are contained in the title. Include a brief statement of methods. State findings in detail sufficient to support conclusions. Abstracts should not describe research in which the chemical identity or source of the reagent is proprietary or cannot be revealed.
  2. Abstracts may have the following identifiable sections, but they are not mandatory: Introduction, Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Conclusions. You may include a hypothesis, but only if it is appropriate to do so.
  3. The abstract must contain a brief section on Methods/Methodology.
  4. Use generic drug names.
  5. Do not begin sentences with numerals.
  6. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
  7. Do not include author or institution names, references, credits or grant support in the abstract.
  8. Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
  9. Abstracts are limited to 2,500 characters (about 500 - 600 words). This includes spaces and punctuation. It does not include graphics. Only 3 graphics max per abstract are allowed.
  10. Tables must be submitted as graphics. Do not submit a table in Word as it will not format correctly in the online Stroke journal.
  11. Due to new accessibility guidelines, you must submit a brief description of any and all graphics included in your abstract submission in the appropriate step on the submission site.

Graphics Guidelines

  1. All graphics (figures) and text-based graphics (tables) should be provided as 72 - 300 dpi; pre-sized .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG images only, with a maximum width of 440 pixels (no limit on length). Black-and-white digital images should be in grayscale mode. Color images should be saved in RGB color mode.
  2. Only 3 graphics max per abstract are allowed.
  3. All graphics will require a brief description of the image.
  4. Please Note: If an abstract is accepted for publication, any images submitted with the abstract are placed after the abstract text that will appear in the online only Stroke journal, an American Heart Association journal.

Abstract Revisions

  1. After the August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT deadline, abstracts may not be revised in any way or resubmitted.
  2. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.
  3. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission.

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement

Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be electronically signed during submission.

  • Your selection of “Yes” will grant permission to publish.
  • Your selection of “No” will prohibit publication of the abstract in all formats including the online Stroke journal, ePoster site, the mobile meeting guide app, and the online program planner.


  1. Abstracts selected will be published online in February 2025 on the Stroke Journal web site.
  2. All communications regarding your abstract will be sent from International Stroke Conference 2025 ([email protected]). Please make sure to add this e-mail address to your e-mail contacts to ensure important program participant related information gets through your spam filters, etc.
  3. If the abstract is submitted to more than one meeting, investigators must include new and scientifically meaningful information/results at time of submission to the AHA.
  4. Abstracts accepted for presentation at ISC 2025 cannot be presented at another national or international meeting held prior to February 7, 2025.
  5. The work covered by the abstract must not be published prior to the time of abstract submission. Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
  6. Abstract grading is blinded. Abstracts are selected on the basis of scientific merit and are allocated to oral or poster presentations.
  7. Guidelines for presentations will be provided to authors of accepted abstracts.
  8. Abstract acceptance/non-acceptance status will be e-mailed to the submitting author in late October to the e-mail address provided during the submission process.

Abstract Journal Publication

Accepted abstracts having selected “Yes” to the Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement will be published online in the Stroke journal.

Embargo Policy

Non-late breaking abstracts and presentations are embargoed for release at 5 a.m. ET, Thursday, January 30, 2025, and are therefore prohibited from release until date and time of AHA designated embargo time. You will be contacted by AHA communications if you are selected to participate in an AHA news event.

Written embargoed information cannot be shared with anyone outside of the AHA with the exception of a journal manuscript where one-on-one embargoed media interviews can be conducted as long as the reporter agrees to abide by the embargo policy. Failure to honor embargo policies will result in this abstract being withdrawn and future abstracts also being barred from presentation.

Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ISC 2025 but will not be included in the Stroke journal abstract publication. Authors must contact AHA staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event. Please notify AHA staff by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Complete AHA Embargo Policy


  1. Request “oral or poster” or “poster only” preferred presentation on the Properties tab of the Submitter Site. The selection of one of these options will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee an oral or poster presentation because abstracts must be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation.
  2. All presentations and question-and-answer sessions will be conducted in English. Presenters may request assistance from the moderator who will repeat or rephrase questions from the audience, or they may ask a colleague in the audience to help translate.
  3. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present it if accepted. Failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.
  4. The American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, reserves the right to all video or audio recordings of presentations at the International Stroke Conference 2025.
  5. The presenter is responsible for all expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract (e.g. registration, airfare, lodging, etc.).
  6. All oral presentations must be in electronic format. Electronic presentations must be submitted via the Presentation Management system at least 12 hours in advance of the session start time. Instructions will be sent to the presenting author via e-mail in early January 2025.
  7. If you are referencing work previously published by another author, please be sure to include a complete citation at the bottom of the appropriate slide.

Recording Policy

  1. Unauthorized recording of the AHA Scientific Sessions, scientific conferences, and the AHA/ASA International Stroke Conference and ISC Pre-Conference Symposia is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography, audio or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting audiovisual materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials.
  2. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association reserve the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings.

Abstract Withdrawal

  1. Requests for withdrawal of an abstract must be received in writing by November 30, 2024.

The suggestions below are intended to provide guidance on abstract writing.

Title: To the extent the data permits, make the title dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive. For example, “Hypoxia Inhibits Kv1.5 Channels in Rat Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells” is preferable to “Effects of Hypoxia on Kv1.5 Channels.” Explicit titles denoting the findings should be used (not “Investigations of…”, “Studies of…”, etc.).

Structure: Abstracts may have the following identifiable sections, but they are not mandatory: Introduction, Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
You may include a hypothesis, but only if it is appropriate to do so.
The abstract must contain a brief section on Methods/Methodology.

Category: Be sure to select the correct abstract category. Category selection determines which review team grades the abstract. If you select the appropriate category, your abstract will be blindly graded by experts familiar with the science of the category.

Abbreviations: Abbreviations may be used after they are spelled out or defined. Use generic, not commercial, names for all therapeutic agents.

Proofread your work: Be sure to proofread your work carefully including the author block. If accepted, your abstract will be printed as submitted. No changes will be allowed to the abstract or the author block after the deadline of August 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.

Common Mistakes

  1. Failure to include a brief section on Methods/Methodology.
  2. Failure to state a conclusion. We encourage a final sentence that says: “In conclusion …”.
  3. Failure to state sample size. The reviewers want to assess the quality of the data - they need a mean SEM and a sample size.
  4. Excessive use of abbreviations. All but the most standard abbreviations should be defined and most abstracts should have less than 3 abbreviations.

Traps to Avoid

  1. Typographical errors.
  2. References cited in the abstract.
  3. Not providing context or a statement of relevance that provides the rationale for your study.
  4. Complex graphics. Simple line or bar graphs are most appropriate. Ensure the font size is adequately large on each axis to be visible. Check a printed version of the abstract before submitting. Tables must be submitted as graphics.
  5. Leaving abstract writing until the 11th hour - this increases stress and leads to errors.
  6. Duplicative work.

Remember: Make sure your abstract is clear, concise, and follows all rules. Show your abstract to a colleague prior to submission and modify accordingly. A fresh pair of eyes will help spot any errors and will ensure the final product is ready for submission.

What Can the World's Premier Stroke Meeting Offer Your Science?

Clinicians and scientists thrive on collaboration and sharing their study findings. Present your innovative research to a global audience at the International Stroke Conference, the world's premier stroke conference.

The excitement has already begun! ISC delivers the very best in cerebrovascular disease and brain health science and medicine – from the most basic research to patient-based studies to large clinical trials. The science covers a vast array of topics in 16 categories, including basic science, emergency medicine, diagnosis, interventional treatments, nursing and rehabilitation. Submit your best science to the International Stroke Conference 2025 and impact the stroke and brain health world.

  • We welcome abstracts from all areas of the stroke and brain health medical fields.
  • Gain a greater overall reach for your science with a larger audience.
  • Grow your network and discuss your findings with the audience
  • Converse with leaders in the stroke field.

Increase Your Global Reach

Reach a global audience by presenting your science at the ASA's International Stroke Conference, the most influential and impactful cerebrovascular disease conference in the world.

  • #ISC24 had an overall earned media reach of over 7.6 billion - with 4,869 news story placements by national, local and international media including AHA News syndicated stories and 2 Bloomberg Radio spots.

  • ISC Awards: AHA Members – ISC Abstract Submission offers you the opportunity to apply for ISC Awards, including awards specifically for Students, Trainees, and Early Career Professionals. The HEADS-UP Pre-Con offers the opportunity for Students, Trainees, and Early Career Professionals to apply for Early-Stage Investigator Travel Grants.

  • Publication: Accepted ISC, ISC Trainee, HEADS-UP, and Stroke Nursing Symposium 2025 abstracts will be published online in AHA’s Stroke journal website (top-ranked for Impact Factor). The top 20 scoring ISC abstracts will be invited to submit a manuscript to the Stroke journal for expedited peer-review and publication based on their abstract. (NOTE: Late-Breaking Science abstracts and Ongoing Clinical Trial abstracts will not be published in the Stroke journal.)

In order to encourage a broad range of science and speakers, international authors and junior authors are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation.

Abstract Submission - Technical Issues:

  • If you have any difficulty with the submission process that you cannot resolve yourself, please contact ScholarOne Customer Care at [email protected] or by phone at (North America): 855-258-5858; (EMEA) +44 8003288044.

Reference that you are submitting an abstract for the AHA's International Stroke Conference.

Embargo Policy

Abstracts and presentations are embargoed for release at date and time of presentation or time of AHA news event. Written embargoed information cannot be shared with anyone but one-on-one embargoed media interviews can be conducted as long as the reporter agrees to abide by the embargo policy. Failure to honor embargo policies will result in the abstract being withdrawn and barred from presentation. View the complete AHA/ASA General Embargo Policies.